Newsletter analysis and summary of current social/political news
Migrant Gang Rapists Brutally Attack Woman in Dutch Park—Courts Respond with Leniency, ‘Integration’ Programs, and Slap on Wrist
The courts’ disgraceful leniency—offering mere months of detention and “guidance” for such a barbaric crime—not only fails the victim but emboldens predators, proving that justice in the Netherlands bends over backward to coddle migrant criminals at the expense of public safety.
The post Migrant Gang Rapists Brutally Attack Woman in Dutch Park—Courts Respond with Leniency, ‘Integration’ Programs, and Slap on Wrist appeared first on RAIR.
388 noncitizens voted legally in D.C.’s election
From Washington Times: Some 388 noncitizens cast ballots in the District of Columbia’s local elections in November, according to data released Tuesday by Judicial Watch that suggests the city’s groundbreaking experiment in expanding its voter pool saw only tepid interest. But Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said the principle of noncitizen voting is still […]
The post 388 noncitizens voted legally in D.C.’s election appeared first on Judicial Watch.
My Stab at the Top 3 Trump Executive Orders On Tap for Day One
Topic: Perspective
Skandal-Urteil in Berlin: Freispruch für „Klima-Lilli“
Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte Geldstrafen gefordert, dennoch lässt eine Richterin die vorbestrafte „Aktivistin“ und eine Komplizin ungeschoren davonkommen. Noch absurder als das Urteil selbst ist dabei nur noch dessen Begründung. Von Kai Rebmann.
Der Be…
Judicial Watch: 388 Noncitizens Voted in DC’s November Election
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received a spreadsheet from the District of Columbia Board of Elections revealing that 388 noncitizens voted in DC’s November 2024 general election. While federal law prohibits noncitizens from voting in federal elections, states and localities may allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. In 2023, the DC […]
The post Judicial Watch: 388 Noncitizens Voted in DC’s November Election appeared first on Judicial Watch.
“Weather Events” Among the Reasons Nearly a Million Illegal Aliens Get Humanitarian Amnesty
Besides letting a record number of illegal immigrants, terrorists and violent gangbangers into the United States through the Mexican border, the Biden administration has delivered a parting gift of shielding nearly a million foreign nationals from deportation with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The provisional amnesty is a humanitarian measure designed to shield undocumented aliens from […]
The post “Weather Events” Among the Reasons Nearly a Million Illegal Aliens Get Humanitarian Amnesty appeared first on Judicial Watch.
Headlines General Flynn Is Watching
Here’s what you need to know:
Auf nach Leonberg: Wahlkampf-Veranstaltung in der Stadthalle!
Nur noch wenige Wochen bis zur Bundestagswahl: Kommen Sie am 22.01. nach Leonberg, um Bundessprecher Tino Chrupalla und viele weitere Redner zu erleben!
The post Auf nach Leonberg: Wahlkampf-Veranstaltung in der Stadthalle! first appeared on AfD Kompakt.
Hitler und die DDR: historische Parallelen jenseits der Hysterie
Kollektive Kontrolle, staatliche Lenkung und Ideologie: Verbindungen zwischen Hitlers Nationalsozialismus und sozialistischen Strukturen der DDR. Von Thomas Rießinger.
Der Beitrag Hitler und die DDR: historische Parallelen jenseits der Hysterie erschie…