‘Kuffār’, ‘Zionist’, ‘Jew’, ‘Allah’: Tags Discovered Once Again in French Cemetery, 82 Graves Defaced

After the majority of jihadist attacks and crimes, politicians and media often deflect, attributing motives to mental health issues or simply hiding the identities, religion, and immigration statuses of the perpetrators.

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The Fatal Cost of Criticizing Islam in the West: Remembering Pim Fortuyn 22 Years After His Political Assassination (Videos)

The West has shamefully ignored the clear warnings Pim Fortuyn gave his life for, standing by as Islamic supremacists and their leftist allies actively seize control of Western nations, undermining our freedoms and cultural foundations.

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AfD’s Martin Hess Stuns German Parliament, Blasts Their ‘Importation of Violent Crime’ Amid 41.5% Surge in Crimes by Illegals (Video)

"Every day that you remain in the office of Federal Interior Minister, Ms. Faeser, is a bad day for Germany," Martin Hess declared, highlighting her prioritization of the care of illegal immigrants over the safety and security of German citizens.

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