We all need to be vigilant in guarding our minds in these next few months.
A Succinct history of Trump and Elon Musk’s budding alliance, and why it matters.
A succinct history of Trump and Elon Musk’s budding alliance, and why it matters.
Raising the Standard of Faith
Social media operates off of fear in many ways.
Trump VS Maduro
Analyzing Trump’s longstanding public battle with Venezuela’s President. Coups, Sanctions, Clandestine and Military Operations.
The Occult Symbolism Displayed at the 2012 Olympics Ceremony
(They were laughing at us)
How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program
The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.
Vision Through the Fire
If you are weary, this is not by happenstance.
Enoch and the Case for Nephilim
Let’s just walk through a thought experiment here.
You Have No Power
When Pontius Pilate told Christ he had the power to crucify him or set him free and Jesus looked him straight in the eyes and said you have no power but that which the Father gave you.
God Supercedes the Chaos
If they actually arrest Trump, I could see that being extremely beneficial to his optics.