Islam’s Call for America’s Demise: The Grim Truth Behind Multiculturalism

Muslims demanded an end to “the cancer that is” America, liberty, and secularism, insisting that Islam should be the governing principle, during a sermon at the University of Illinois Chicago on May 3, 2024. Multiculturalism was inevitably going to lead to the end of all cultures except the most belligerent. Forced tolerance was always going […]

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Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe

by Fjordman – reposted with permission from the author What exactly is a right-wing extremist? Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was nearly assassinated by a left-wing activist on May 15, 2024. Fico later indicated that the attempted murder was a result of “political hatred.” He criticized hostile media, especially outlets co-owned by companies linked to the […]

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Australian Judge Slams Police for Using ‘Unlawful Violence’ Against Covid Protesters

Charges may be levelled against police for their brutality in aid of Covid mandates. In what is a most welcome yet surprising turn of events, an Australian Judge has reacted in much the same way as the public did world-wide when viewing videos and photos of the immense brutality of Australian Police when enforcing the […]

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Jewish University of Toronto Professor Denied Entry to Campus (Video)

In an increasingly common tactic seen in Islamic-Leftist protests on University campuses across Canada and the United States, Jewish people or those not aligned with Hamas are being denied access to the grounds. In this case, a University of Toronto professor reported that he has an Israeli accent and is denied access to his place […]

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