Trump Isn’t the Only One Trying to Take Out the Deep State

INTRIGUING 👀 Trump talks about his great relationships with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-Un. Is it a coincidence that Trump has great relationships with all of the world leaders who oppose Ukraine/NATO? Putin is directly accusing Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Soros, of developing bioweapons in Ukraine, and manufacturing the Covid pandemic, to steal the election via mail-in voting.

Judicial Watch Sues Defense Department for Details of Alleged Conversation between CIA Employees Seeking to ‘Get Rid’ of then-President Trump

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense for reports submitted by a military officer to his superiors regarding an alleged conversation around January 2017 between CIA analysts Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko about trying to “get rid” of then-President Trump (Judicial Watch [

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The Epstein PSYOP Benefitted Trump

Quick observation: The media’s psyop attempt to associate Trump with Epstein’s crimes
 it failed. Trump is MORE popular. The Epstein docs ended up boosting his support by exonerating him, and exposing Clinton. Their plan backfired. The lies didn’t stick, and citizen journalists used the opportunity to educate the public on the mountains of evidence of Clinton/Deep State affiliation with Epstein, pedophilia, and satanism.

Why Did DeSantis Fail?

Why did it all go wrong for DeSantis? Because the DeSantis campaign was not about what RDS can do, it was about attacking Trump and being the only alternative. They never spent any time building DeSantis up. They allocated all their resources to smearing Trump, attacking his supporters, and being downright insufferable. An astonishing level of unjustified hubris.