The Fight for European Civilization: Éric Zemmour’s Crusade Against Mass-Migration, Islamization, and Wokeism (Video)

"The weakening of the Christian religion by left-wing militancy in the 20th century opened the way for an Islam that claims to fill our spiritual void and that very clearly intends to dominate the entire European continent, and it is succeeding." - Eric

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Outcry Over Muslim Immigrant Doctors Arrested for Brutal Child Abuse; Concerns Raised Over Their Work at VA Hospital With U.S. Military (Video)

Brookfield, Wisconsin – Two Islamic immigrant doctors practicing in Brookfield, Wisconsin, Dr. Iyad Azzam and Dr. Wiaam Taha, are facing serious allegations of child abuse and causing mental harm to a child. Iraqi immigrant Dr. Azzam, a cardiologist specializing in interventional cardiology, and Dr. Taha, both immigrants, have been charged with two counts of felony […]

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Greece: Hamas Supporters Hunt Down Jewish Israeli Tourists, Try To Breach Hotel (Video)

Hamas supporters in Greece attempted to breach a hotel housing Israeli tourists on Tuesday. The incident required local police to intervene and break up the violent mob of pro-Hamas/Palestine protesters. The officers allegedly required the use of crowd control devices such as tear gas to disperse the group. According to Just the News, police broke […]

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‘Kuffār’, ‘Zionist’, ‘Jew’, ‘Allah’: Tags Discovered Once Again in French Cemetery, 82 Graves Defaced

After the majority of jihadist attacks and crimes, politicians and media often deflect, attributing motives to mental health issues or simply hiding the identities, religion, and immigration statuses of the perpetrators.

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The Fatal Cost of Criticizing Islam in the West: Remembering Pim Fortuyn 22 Years After His Political Assassination (Videos)

The West has shamefully ignored the clear warnings Pim Fortuyn gave his life for, standing by as Islamic supremacists and their leftist allies actively seize control of Western nations, undermining our freedoms and cultural foundations.

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Jewish University of Toronto Professor Denied Entry to Campus (Video)

In an increasingly common tactic seen in Islamic-Leftist protests on University campuses across Canada and the United States, Jewish people or those not aligned with Hamas are being denied access to the grounds. In this case, a University of Toronto professor reported that he has an Israeli accent and is denied access to his place […]

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‘The Great Replacement is Not a Theory – It’s Reality’ (Video)

Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek delivered a hard-hitting and brutally direct speech at the 2024 CPAC Hungary convention, confronting the harsh realities of Europe’s current state head-on. In her powerful speech, Vlaardingerbroek highlighted the alarming incidents of violence plaguing European cities. “Our new reality in Europe consists of frequent rapes, stabbings, killings, murders, shootings, even […]

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AfD’s Martin Hess Stuns German Parliament, Blasts Their ‘Importation of Violent Crime’ Amid 41.5% Surge in Crimes by Illegals (Video)

"Every day that you remain in the office of Federal Interior Minister, Ms. Faeser, is a bad day for Germany," Martin Hess declared, highlighting her prioritization of the care of illegal immigrants over the safety and security of German citizens.

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