U.S. Pays to Combat AI-Generated Misinformation in Iraq Claiming Democracy is at Risk

It was only a matter of time before the Biden administration’s absurd—and costly—initiative to combat misinformation spilled over into artificial intelligence (AI) and the moment has arrived with a government-funded program to counter the fake crisis in Iraq of all places. American taxpayers will dole out tens of thousands of dollars to train social media […]

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FOIA docs show FBI official ‘colluded’ with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

From Just the News: Documents that Judicial Watch obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that an FBI official “colluded” with House Democrat staffers ahead of a hearing with FBI whistleblowers. “These troubling records show how the FBI colluded with Democrats hostile to FBI whistleblowers who were set to testify to Congress,” said […]

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Judicial Watch Sues HHS for Records on Preparation for and Response to Covid-19 Pandemic

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for records from the Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) regarding after action reports, review of procedures, or studies concerning the preparation for and […]

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Judicial Watch: Records Show FBI Provided Democrats with Information on Whistleblowers Who Testified at May 2023 Weaponization Hearing

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 54 pages of records from the Department of Justice in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit which show the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) provided a Democrat staffer with information on FBI whistleblowers who detailed the bureau’s targeting of political […]

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Karlsruhe: Männer mit arabischem Aussehen überfallen 59-Jährige und rauben Geldbörse

In der Nacht von Montag zu Dienstag (04.06) wurde eine 59-jährige Frau von zwei Unbekannten bedroht und ausgeraubt. Demnach war die Frau gegen 1.30 Uhr im Bereich der Straßenbahnhaltestelle Yorckstraße unterwegs, als sie von zwei unbekannten Männern, mit arabischem Aussehen angesprochen wurde. Im weiteren Verlauf zog einer der Tatverdächtigen ihr Rucksack vom Rücken und entnahm [...]

Der Beitrag Karlsruhe: Männer mit arabischem Aussehen überfallen 59-Jährige und rauben Geldbörse erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.