Es bleibt dabei: Beim entscheidenden Schicksalsthema Migration werden die Bürger tagein, tagaus an der Nase herumgeführt. „Deal mit Türkei“, jubelt das öffentlich-rechtliche ZDF über einen vermeintlichen Durchbruch beim Thema Abschiebungen. Auch andere…
Essen: 31 Verletzte nach Gewaltwelle durch bewaffneten Syrer
Ein bewaffneter 41-jähriger Syrer hat am Samstag (28. September 2024) im nordrhein-westfälischen Essen mehrere Brände in Wohnhäusern gelegt und auf diese Weise 31 Menschen verletzt. Zwei Kinder schwebten vorübergehend in Lebensgefahr. Nach den Brandlegungen raste er mit seinem Transporter in zwei Geschäfte, demolierte die Läden und bedrohte Passanten mit einer Machete. Laut Medienberichten war der […]
Der Beitrag Essen: 31 Verletzte nach Gewaltwelle durch bewaffneten Syrer erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.
‘We’re Deporting All of Them’: AfD’s Remigration Anthem Sparks Left-Wing Uproar in Germany (Video)
At the heart of Germany’s political resurgence, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), the country’s only conservative party, once again proves itself as the voice of the people. During their election celebration, the party’s youth wing played a remix of the popular song “Das geht ab!” titled “Wir schieben sie alle ab!” [We’re deporting them all!]. […]
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The Waqf Weapon: Islam’s Ancient Tool for Islamic Land Grabs and Global Expansion
Though often portrayed as a charitable endowment, Waqf has long served as a strategic tool for Islamic territorial dominance, allowing groups to seize control of non-Muslim lands under the guise of religious obligation, a threat that has grown global in scope.
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Austria’s Resounding Victory: Kickl’s FPÖ Leads Europe’s Conservative Surge Against Open Borders
Austria’s Freedom Party, under Herbert Kickl, has triumphed in the elections, marking a pivotal moment in Europe’s conservative resurgence as nations increasingly reject open-border policies in favor of sovereignty, security, and cultural identity.
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The Threat Posed by Our Caretaker Government
Almost no one remaining in America really believes that President Biden is functioning as our nation’s Commander-in-Chief. But, if not him, who?
Terror in Germany: Machete-Wielding Syrian Arrested After Rampage of Fires and Attacks Leaves 31 Injured, Including Several Children in Critical Condition
This is a developing story. RAIR will continue to provide updates as more details unfold. Essen (NRW) – Chaos erupted in Essen, Germany, on Saturday evening as a 41-year-old Syrian man armed with a machete and driving a van launched a horrifying series of attacks across the city. The rampage left 31 people injured, including […]
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Muslims Celebrate the Death of Hizb’allah leader With Chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’
One of the unexpected effects of Israel’s decisive blow against Hizb’allah was the widespread support it received from various quarters across the Middle East. Many Muslims celebrated the crushing of the tyrannical Iranian proxy army, Hizb’allah, which has been oppressing the people of Lebanon—both Christian and Muslim—for decades. The lyrics to the song they sang:“The […]
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Taxpayer-Funded Sharia: The Muslim Campaign to Enforce Hijab on Toddlers in the Netherlands Through Children’s Books (Video)
Muslims in the Netherlands are becoming more emboldened, using taxpayer-funded libraries to push their Sharia agenda, targeting young girls with books like Hidaya’s Hijab that enforce the hijab as a religious obligation, while left-wing leaders turn a blind eye under the guise of promoting diversity and inclusion.
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Taxpayer-Funded Islamization: How Morgantown High in West Virginia Became Ground Zero for CAIR’s Campaign to Islamize American Schools (Video)
Morgantown High School’s decision to establish a prayer room, following pressure from Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas-tied groups, is a calculated step in a larger Islamic agenda to infiltrate public institutions, indoctrinate non-Muslims, normalize Islamic practices, and gradually impose Sharia law, thereby eroding America’s secular foundation.
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