The Iron Grip Tightens: Starmer’s UK Slides Towards Authoritarianism, removes painting of Thatcher

Under the fresh leadership of Keir Starmer, the United Kingdom is experiencing a jarring shift towards restrictive policies that have begun to echo shades of a darker, more authoritarian regime. This emerging narrative from Downing Street signals a departure from British traditions of liberty, evoking concerns that resonate deeply, particularly among American observers familiar with […]

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Kay Gottschalk: Herzlichen Dank für Wiederwahl und Bundestagskandidatur

Berlin, 01.09.2024. Kay Gottschalk, stellvertretender Bundessprecher der AfD, freut sich über die Wiederwahl zum Kreissprecher Viersen und die Nominierung als Direktkandidat für die Bundestagswahl: „Mit jeweils über 90 Prozent wurde ich als Sprecher des Kreises Viersen bestätigt und zum Direktkandidaten gewählt. Ich bedanke mich bei unseren Mitgliedern für diesen überwältigenden Vertrauensbeweis. Ich werde Euch nicht [...]

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Spanish MEP: ‘Islamophobia is an Invention of the Antisemitic Left to Intimidate Europeans and Force Them to Accept This Invasion’ (Video)

MEP Hermann Tertsch fiercely condemns Islamophobia as a fabricated weapon of the left, designed to silence Europeans and force them to accept a cultural invasion that endangers the very survival of Western civilization.

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Islam’s Terror Unleashed: Massacre of Christians and Non-Muslims in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, a nation already reeling from ongoing jihadist violence, has witnessed yet another horrific episode of Islamic terror. Over the course of two days, more than 300 civilians were brutally slaughtered by jihadists in the town of Barsalogho, their cries of “Allahu Akbar” echoing through the chaos as they executed their grisly mission. In […]

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Multicultural Europe Is Far Worse Than the Titanic

by Fjordman –  reposted with permission When the passenger ship Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic on its maiden voyage and sank on the evening of April 14-15, 1912, it was a tragedy that made a big impression on its contemporaries. Of the roughly 2,200 people on board, around 1,500 died. The disaster was […]

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Germany Resumes Deportations to Afghanistan

Early on Friday, the first deportation flight from Germany to Afghanistan took off after the government lifted the ban on deportations that had been in place since the Taliban seized power in the country. Pressured by recent atrocities committed by Islamic migrants and the surge in public support for anti-immigration parties, the German government decided […]

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Arabic Made Mandatory in Belgian School Program: A Wake-Up Call for Europe

Reprinted from  In Germany, anyone who warns about the potential Islamization of society is quickly dismissed as a fearmonger or even a racist. The political and media landscape in this country is dominated by rhetoric that seeks to reassure us that there is no threat from the growing influence of Islam in Europe. However, […]

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