Because The Happy Warrior Is The Best Warrior
Zickzack-Kurs bei Syrern: Asylanträge gestoppt, Familiennachzug geht weiter
Auch nach dem Sturz des Assad-Regimes könnten pro Jahr mehrere Zehntausend Syrer nach Deutschland kommen. Die entscheidende Frage: Schauen die Behörden diesmal genau hin, wer da ins Land kommt? Denn das war in ähnlichen Fällen nicht immer so… Von Kai R…
They Can’t Change Their Playbook
Why They Can’t Change It And Why This Dooms Them….
Well They Should Be Scared in DC
Trump Is Coming Back And The Usual Tricks Won’t Save The Unelected Bureaucracy This Time Around…
Zwischen Hochverrat und Preußentum
Revolutionäre Methoden in neuer Form: Unter dem Deckmantel demokratischer Prozesse etablieren sich Mechanismen, die an vergangene Totalitarismen erinnern. Von Boris Blaha.
Der Beitrag Zwischen Hochverrat und Preußentum erschien zuerst auf reitschuster….
Allahu Akbar statt Stille Nacht
Islamistische Gruppen kapern Weihnachtsmärkte und skandieren Parolen, die schockieren. Das friedliche Miteinander weicht der Angst. Stuttgart zeigt, wie Gastfreundschaft in Respektlosigkeit umschlagen kann. Experten warnen vor weiteren Eskalationen.
Wear a Veil or Else: Sharia Police Have Arrived in Italy (Video)
Imagine walking through the streets of Italy, a proud nation steeped in Western history, art, and freedom, and being told: “Be careful. You need to wear a veil.” No, this isn’t Saudi Arabia or Iran. This is happening in Europe, on your doorstep. A non-Muslim Italian woman, simply existing as a free woman with uncovered […]
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State-Funded Infiltration: Two Out of Three Families on Welfare Do Not Hold a German Passport
Germany’s social safety net, once a pillar of national stability, is now buckling under the weight of mass migration and demographic upheaval. Recent figures from the Federal Agency for Labor paint a stark and alarming picture: 62.1 percent of families receiving social assistance (Bürgergeld) in Germany do not hold German citizenship. This unprecedented dependency highlights […]
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German Police Raid 14-Year-Old’s Home Over Hashtag While Supporting Violent Islamic Demonstrations
In a shocking government attack, German police raided the home of a 14-year-old boy in Bavaria after he used the hashtag #AllesFürDeutschland (“Everything for Germany”) in a social media post. The boy, who claims he was unaware of the historical connotations of the phrase, now faces accusations of violating Article 86a of Germany’s Criminal Code, which prohibits the use of Nazi […]
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Fani Willis Update
Fani Willis Hides Communications with January 6 Committee and Jack Smith Wray’s Resignation Is a Good First Step Judicial Watch Sues Biden Admin for Info about Tulsi Gabbard Being Placed on Terrorist Watch List First Amendment Court Battle for Teacher Fired for Criticizing BLM! Fani Willis Hides Communications with January 6 Committee and Jack […]
The post Fani Willis Update appeared first on Judicial Watch.