New Election Integrity Legal Action!
Judicial Watch Warns Utah to Provide Access to Voter Registration Lists USAID Won’t Reveal Aid Recipients in Gaza Judicial Watch Sues for Records on Walz’s Chinese Communist Connections DC Police Department Wants $1.5 Million for January 6 Bodycam Footage Biden Administration Considered Using Federal Lands for Abortions, Funded Protection against ‘Grave Health Threats’ from Climate […]
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CDU und CSU als reiner Kanzlerwahlverein?
Friedrich Merz verschwindet in der Krise, während der CDU-Abgeordnete Kuban Klartext redet. Wird die CDU liefern – oder sich weiter selbst blockieren? Von Klaus Kelle.
Der Beitrag CDU und CSU als reiner Kanzlerwahlverein? erschien zuerst auf reitschust…
Judicial Watch Warns Utah to Provide Access to Voter Registration Lists as Federal Law Requires
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it sent a letter to Lt. Governor Deidre M. Henderson, notifying her that Utah is currently in violation of federal the National Voter Registration Act of 1993’s (NVRA) public disclosure requirements. The notice letter warns of a lawsuit after 90 days if the issues are not resolved. Judicial […]
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Judicial Watch: Biden Administration Considered Using Federal Lands for Abortions, Funded Protection against ‘Grave Health Threats’ from Climate Change
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 115 pages in this first production of records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which show the Biden administration, following the Dobbs decision which overturned Roe v. Wade, considered declaring a “public health emergency” […]
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Your In Depth Guide to MESA (Make Elections Secure Act)
Representative Pete Sessions has sponsored a bill in the U.S. House straight from the dreams of every election integrity patriot in America. Can it pass, and how effective would it hypothetically be?
Feste abgesagt: Sicherheit in Deutschland am Ende?
Früher feierten die Deutschen unbeschwert – heute sagen Städte reihenweise Feste ab. Karneval, Abibälle, Straßenfeste: alles gecancelt. Offizielle Begründung: Sicherheitsbedenken. Doch was bedeutet das für unser Land? Ein stilles Eingeständnis, dass di…
Islamic Grooming Gangs in India: Hindu Minor Kidnapped, Gang-Raped and Tortured for Months, Muslims Paid to Trap and Convert Girls
Moradabad, India – March 7, 2025 – In a horrifying case that mirrors the brutality of Islamic grooming gangs in the UK, a 14-year-old Hindu Dalit girl from Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, was allegedly abducted, gang-raped, and tortured for two months by four Muslim men—Salman, Zubair, Rashid, and Arif—as part of a more extensive jihadist operation […]
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Post-Stellenabbau: Wirklich Digitalisierung – oder ein geschickter Trick?
Die Deutsche Post streicht 8000 Stellen – trotz Paketboom. Die offizielle Begründung: Digitalisierung und weniger Briefe. Doch warum wird nicht über das wachsende Paketgeschäft gesprochen? Ein Blick auf Widersprüche in der Berichterstattung und die Fol…
Turkey to Build First Border Wall on Western Border with Greece
Turkey has announced plans to construct an 8.5-kilometer-long wall along its border with Greece—the first physical border barrier the country is erecting on its western frontier to curb illegal migration into Europe, Info Migrants reports. Turkey’s Border Security Plan Yunus Sezer, the Governor of Edirne, a province bordering Greece and Bulgaria, announced the decision during […]
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