Spiritual Warfare

The Left’s assault on Christianity is not an accident. They are trying to strip us of our culture, because they intend to establish a new one. A strong People with strong beliefs, are much harder to enslave than those who are broken and directionless.


In recent years, we have witnessed a significant shift in the collective consciousness, as people from all walks of life are beginning to question the status quo and search for deeper meaning in their lives. This phenomenon, often referred to as The Great Awakening, has seen individuals from all corners of the world seeking out the truth and challenging accepted narratives that have long dictated our thoughts and actions.

Court Battle for Cleaner Elections!

Judicial Watch Files Supreme Court Brief in Battle to Protect Pregnant Mothers from Abortion Drug Federal Court Hears Judicial Watch Challenge to Illinois Counting Ballots Fourteen Days after Election Day! Biden Justice Department Launches Gun Control Resource Center over Weekend to Avoid Scrutiny Happy Easter!   Judicial Watch Files Supreme Court Brief in Battle to […]

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“Qatargate” Corruption Scandal Threatens Politicians, Universities, DC Swamp—Explosive Revelations Ahead?

A metastasizing corruption scandal in Europe—dubbed “Qatargate” by the local media—has engulfed politicians from Greece, Belgium, and Italy, and shows no sign of slowing down. At the center of the case: allegations that Qatar steered $4.3 million in bribes to European Union officials to favorably influence policy toward the wealthy Mideast nation. But you don’t […]

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VP’s Failed Initiative to Curb Irregular Migration Gets Another $170 Mil as Numbers Surge

As enormous amounts of U.S. taxpayer dollars pour into Central America under vice President Kamala Harris’s ill-fated initiative to curb illegal immigration, the Biden administration laughably claims the costly strategy is successful and having far-reaching impacts throughout the region by creating jobs, supporting education, enhancing food security and combating human smuggling. That will improve life […]

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Christina Baum: Herr Lauterbach, die Bürger haben Antworten verdient!

Berlin, 28.03.2024. Das Multipolar-Magazin klagt auf Freigabe der mehr als tausend geschwärzten Stellen in den RKI-Protokollen. Doch die Lauterbach-Behörde will den für 6. Mai geplanten Gerichtstermin verschieben. An diesem Tag soll entschieden werden, ob die Unkenntlichmachungen ebenfalls freigegeben werden müssen. Gleichzeitig gibt Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach vor, nun offen für eine Corona-Aufarbeitung zu sein. Dazu Dr. [...]

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Martin Reichardt: Die Kirche heult mit den Wölfen – Pfarrer verliert Stelle wegen AfD-Kandidatur

Berlin, 28.03.2024. Einem Pfarrer wurde im sachsen-anhaltinischen Quedlinburg die Verantwortung über seinen Pfarrbereich entzogen, weil er für die AfD an einer Stadtratswahl teilnimmt. Dazu Martin Reichardt, Mitglied im Bundesvorstand der AfD: „Nachdem die Evangelische Kirche Mitteldeutschland Ende Februar den Beschluss gefasst hat, dass ‚Positionen extremer Parteien wie der AfD, nicht vereinbar mit christlichen Werten unserer [...]

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