‘Welcome to the Middle Ages’: How Open Borders Have Turned German Women into Prey on Public Transport—A Warning for America (Video)

Women in Berlin are living in constant fear, facing relentless harassment and assault on public transport and ride services, with even Uber drivers groping them at red lights, as the city's open borders policy turns everyday journeys into nightmares.

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U.S. Dedicates $2 Million to Combat Corruption in Mexican Sports Betting

While Americans endure high inflation, soaring unemployment, and the enormous cost of an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis the Biden administration is dedicating $2 million to fight corruption in Mexican sports betting. That includes “crimes” such as match-fixing, betting and book making, illegal and legal gambling. The goal, according to a State Department grant announcement, is […]

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Alice Weidel: Opfer könnten noch leben, würden Wüst und Merz ihren Worten Taten folgen lassen

Berlin, 27.08.2024. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) und der CDU-Vorsitzende Friedrich Merz veranstalten heute einen medial aufgebauschten Krisengipfel im Kanzleramt. Dazu AfD-Bundessprecherin Dr. Alice Weidel: „Statt einen völlig bedeutungslosen Gipfel abzuhalten, der wenige Tage vor den Landtagswahlen in Sachsen und Thüringen lediglich Aktivität simuliert, müsste die CDU ihren Worten in den von ihr regierten Ländern bereits [...]

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Hamas in the Heartland: Indiana Mosque’s Leadership Fuels Islamic Terrorism While Complicit Media and Politicians Look Away (Video)

The United States is facing a grave and growing threat—one that is festering right under our noses. The recent incident involving Imam Abdullah Alhajj, who delivered a sermon in Highland, Indiana, a suburb of Chicago, praising the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as a “martyred mujahid,” should send shockwaves across the nation. On August 9, 2024, […]

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Exploiting Germany’s Open Borders: How a Syrian Refugee Outsmarted the System and Turned a Fatal Deportation Failure into an Islamic Bloodbath

The 26-year-old Syrian refugee, well-informed about Germany’s legal intricacies, is suspected of having received guidance from either a lawyer or the refugee council, enabling him to manipulate asylum deadlines and evade deportation before launching his deadly attack. Solingen, Germany – In a meticulously planned Islamic terror attack, Issa al Hasan, a 26-year-old Syrian refugee affiliated […]

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NIH censorship of critics unconstitutional, appeals court says, HHS sued for COVID coverup records

From Just the News: The National Institutes of Health doesn’t want you to use the words “animal,” “testing” or “cruel” in comments on its social media pages. Too bad, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit told the agency. Animal experimentation is at the heart of First Amendment and Freedom of Information Act […]

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