The Modern Evil Empire

The West claim they are righteous, therefore incapable of wrongdoing. They believe they are entitled to overthrow Ukraine, create a puppet regime, and put an army on Russia’s border, all in the name of “Democracy”. Just like The Crusades, war was justified in the name of “God”, when it was really about conquest. Soldiers were given free rein to murder, pillage, and rape, under the guise that they were God’s righteous warriors, would be absolved of all sin, and granted safe passage to heaven in the afterlife.

Court Fight Against Biden DOJ!

Biden Justice Department Asks Court to Keep the Names of Jack Smith’s Top Staff Secret Mayorkas Personally Declined Kennedy’s Request for Secret Service Protection Judicial Watch Succeeds in Interrupting Texas A&M Ties with Qatar Huge Spike in Illegals Along Northern Border, Including from Terrorist Nation   Biden Justice Department Asks Court to Keep the Names […]

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Navalny was a Deep State Asset

Now that you’ve heard the fake outrage from the West, let’s look at the information they withheld from you. Navalny is a terrorist. He was caught planning a color revolution to overtake Russia with MI6. He’s not “political opposition”. He’s a foreign intelligence asset. A spy.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton Statement on Texas A&M Closing Its Controversial Campus in Qatar

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement today about Texas A&M closing its campus in Qatar (The news follows disclosures from a Judicial Watch lawsuit on behalf of the Zachor Legal Institute that disclosed nearly half a billion in funding from the Qatar regime for Texas A&M.):  Texas A&M’s decision to […]

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Karlsruhe: Türkisches Ehepaar steht unter Verdacht einen 63-jährigen Mann getötet zu haben

Bereits am 02. Februar wurde ein 63-jährige Mann mit mehreren Stich- und Schnittverletzungen neben einem Fahrzeug im Wald bei Pfinztal-Söllingen tot aufgefunden. Laut Pressemitteilung steht ein 51-jähriger Mann und seine 44-jährige Ehefrau unter Verdacht den 63-jährige ebenfalls in der Türkei geborene deutsche Staatsangehörigen getötet zu haben. Am vergangenen Sonntag wurden die beiden Tatverdächtigen am Flughafen [...]

Der Beitrag Karlsruhe: Türkisches Ehepaar steht unter Verdacht einen 63-jährigen Mann getötet zu haben erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Teflon Don Strikes Again

Months ago, I filed the Fulton County situation into the “failed hoax” folder in the back of my brain. I assumed it would dissolve quietly, and the Left would move onto the next hoax. But this has taken a turn I did not see coming. Fani’s meltdown not only destroyed her case, but will permeate into the other lawfare attempts to prevent Trump from reclaiming office. Now everyone can see just how INSANE these people are who are trying to imprison the current front-runner and former POTUS…