Almost no one remaining in America really believes that President Biden is functioning as our nation’s Commander-in-Chief. But, if not him, who?
Terror in Germany: Machete-Wielding Syrian Arrested After Rampage of Fires and Attacks Leaves 31 Injured, Including Several Children in Critical Condition
This is a developing story. RAIR will continue to provide updates as more details unfold. Essen (NRW) – Chaos erupted in Essen, Germany, on Saturday evening as a 41-year-old Syrian man armed with a machete and driving a van launched a horrifying series of attacks across the city. The rampage left 31 people injured, including […]
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Muslims Celebrate the Death of Hizb’allah leader With Chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’
One of the unexpected effects of Israel’s decisive blow against Hizb’allah was the widespread support it received from various quarters across the Middle East. Many Muslims celebrated the crushing of the tyrannical Iranian proxy army, Hizb’allah, which has been oppressing the people of Lebanon—both Christian and Muslim—for decades. The lyrics to the song they sang:“The […]
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Taxpayer-Funded Sharia: The Muslim Campaign to Enforce Hijab on Toddlers in the Netherlands Through Children’s Books (Video)
Muslims in the Netherlands are becoming more emboldened, using taxpayer-funded libraries to push their Sharia agenda, targeting young girls with books like Hidaya’s Hijab that enforce the hijab as a religious obligation, while left-wing leaders turn a blind eye under the guise of promoting diversity and inclusion.
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Taxpayer-Funded Islamization: How Morgantown High in West Virginia Became Ground Zero for CAIR’s Campaign to Islamize American Schools (Video)
Morgantown High School’s decision to establish a prayer room, following pressure from Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas-tied groups, is a calculated step in a larger Islamic agenda to infiltrate public institutions, indoctrinate non-Muslims, normalize Islamic practices, and gradually impose Sharia law, thereby eroding America’s secular foundation.
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Ashli Babbitt Lawsuit Update!
New Judicial Watch Book Rights and Freedoms in Peril, Goes on Sale October 15 Court Hears Appeal over Challenges to Counting of Ballots after Election Day Federal Judge Sets July 20, 2026, Trial Date in Ashli Babbitt $30 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit Judicial Watch Petitions Supreme Court on Behalf of Teacher Fired for Conservative Social […]
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Released 5 Times: Sanctuary Policies Let Ethiopian Violent Felon Stay in America to Abduct, Poison, and Sexually Assault Virginia Resident
Biden and Harris’s system of ignoring ICE detainers and supporting sanctuary policies allowed convicted illegal felon Besam Semirali Bashwie to be repeatedly released, resulting in preventable violent crimes that would not have occurred under Trump’s tougher immigration policies.
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Trump Meets with Zelensky and the Deep State are Terrified
If you were wondering why they are trying to kill Trump, this is why.
Stellungnahme der Bundespartei “Alternative für Deutschland”
Berlin, 27. September 2024. Am vergangenen Mittwoch haben sich die Bundessprecher der Alternative für Deutschland zur Thematik der Kanzlerkandidatur 2025 ausgetauscht. Im Ergebnis wird Bundessprecher Tino Chrupalla Anfang Dezember dem Bundesvorstand Dr. Alice Weidel als Kanzlerkandidatin vorschlagen. Am 07. Dezember werden weiterführend die Landessprecher und Anfang 2025 der Konvent der Partei in den Entscheidungsprozess einbezogen. […]
Der Beitrag Stellungnahme der Bundespartei “Alternative für Deutschland” erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.
If They Could Stop Donald J. Trump…They Would Have By Now
And It Is Becoming Increasingly Clear Why They Can’t Stop Him…