The Deep State are Signing Their Own Death Warrant

Maine has now taken Trump off the ballot. GOOD! I hope every Blue State does it.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Because when this reaches the Supreme Court, it will nullify all these politically-charged rulings, and the Dems are further proving the DNC are weaponizing their positions to keep Trump off the ballot.

Stephan Brandner: Thüringer Innenminister weist faschistoide Züge auf

Der Thüringer Innenminister Maier, seines Zeichens Vorsitzender und Spitzenkandidat der Thüringer SPD, die in aktuellen Umfragen bei sieben Prozent steht, will die Thüringer Landesverfassung ändern, um einen AfD-Ministerpräsidenten zu verhindern. Stephan Brandner, stellvertretender Bundessprecher der Alternative für Deutschland aus Thüringen, stellt klar, dass derartige Umtriebe zeigen, wo die wahren Feinde der Demokratie sitzen. „Maier geht [...]

Der Beitrag Stephan Brandner: Thüringer Innenminister weist faschistoide Züge auf erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Why did the RDS Campaign Fail?

Alright DeSantis influencers, it’s time to give up the charade. In January, there was only an 11 point margin between Trump and RDS. That margin is now 50 points.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

The DNC Weaponized Illegal Immigration

The broader public are starting to see why the Dems have been so desperate to keep the border open. It’s election fraud. They are shipping in millions of new voters every year. That’s why the Dems were so vocal about DACA kids in 2017. That’s why they conducted the “kids in cages” psyop. That’s why Obama went on TV and told illegal immigrants they are allowed to vote in 2016.