Read Between the Whines

You want to know how I know things actually aren’t that bad right now? Because of the frivolous bull honky some people have the time and will to complain about. I’m in a unique position between a constant barrage of doomers telling me our country is over and we’re all gonna die, and people complaining about literally THE dumbest shit. Apparently I touch my hair too much during my livestreams and this is reprehensible to some who feel the need to tell me so in the comments of every single stream I do. I get endless commentary about my looks (“good,” bad, and MEAN). People grouse when I mispronounce a word, which happens often because I have no real-life human interaction where I would hear a word out loud. I thought Reuters was pronounced “roo-ters” and don’t even get me started on “gubernatorial” or “Tanzania.” I somehow simultaneously talk too much and not enough during The Liberty Den. Today this guy went out of his way to find my account on Telegram and send this.