Alter Your Perspective on Durham’s Role

I laid off the Danchenko trial, because I recognized that Durham’s role is more of an educator than a prosecutor. And unfortunately, many in this community are so famished for justice, that they are let down when low-level pawns are not prosecuted. Yet, if Danchenko was to have been found guilty, the same people who are upset, would have been screaming that “none of this matter’s unless Hillary and Obama go down”. Which, is true.

Life Lessons From Bugs Bunny

When I was a kid my dad used to watch cartoons with me, he loved them as much as I did. Our favorite was Bugs Bunny. My dad loved him because he was a winner. No one ever got to Bugs, he was cool, calm, witty, and always came out on top.The Kate Awakening is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Read Between the Whines

You want to know how I know things actually aren’t that bad right now? Because of the frivolous bull honky some people have the time and will to complain about. I’m in a unique position between a constant barrage of doomers telling me our country is over and we’re all gonna die, and people complaining about literally THE dumbest shit. Apparently I touch my hair too much during my livestreams and this is reprehensible to some who feel the need to tell me so in the comments of every single stream I do. I get endless commentary about my looks (“good,” bad, and MEAN). People grouse when I mispronounce a word, which happens often because I have no real-life human interaction where I would hear a word out loud. I thought Reuters was pronounced “roo-ters” and don’t even get me started on “gubernatorial” or “Tanzania.” I somehow simultaneously talk too much and not enough during The Liberty Den. Today this guy went out of his way to find my account on Telegram and send this.