Just look at the state of the Democrat Party. Their candidate is a mumbling meat-puppet, that led us into global conflict on the verge of WW3. Their only policy ideas are killing babies, men in dresses, and open borders. They resort to violence when they don’t get their way.
Hunter Biden Laptop Update!
Top Headlines of the Week Press Releases Judicial Watch: FOIA Lawsuit Emails Show CIA Rushed Approval of Infamous Hunter Laptop Letter by 51 Former Intel Officials Before Election Judicial Watch announced recently that it received eight pages of records from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) showing Mike Morell, former acting CIA director under President Obama, […]
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Von wegen „Fachkräfte“: 81,5 % der jungen Syrer ohne Bildungsabschluss!
Es ist eine der größten Lügen in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik: Über Jahrzehnte hinweg trichterten etablierte Parteien und Mainstream-Medien uns ein, dass massenhaft „Fachkräfte“ nach Deutschland einwandern würden. Auch im Jahr der verheerenden Gre…
California budget includes $12 million for reparations for Black residents
From The Washington Post: California’s reparations movement reached a new milestone after state lawmakers recently set aside $12 million in its next budget to provide recompense to Black residents. The allocation potentially represents the largest investment yet in the fledging campaign for reparations. Recently, Judicial Watch, a conservative advocacy group, filed a lawsuit to stop […]
The post California budget includes $12 million for reparations for Black residents appeared first on Judicial Watch.
Frau von 7 Syrern begrabscht und geschlagen: Massenmigration stoppen, Frauen schützen!
Chemnitz am vergangenen Samstagabend: Eine 21-jährige Frau sitzt nichtsahnend auf einer Wiese in der Nähe einer Kleingarten-Anlage, als sich plötzlich sieben Syrer nähern. Die Migranten im Alter zwischen 15 und 23 Jahren fangen an, die […]
The post F…
Witten: Migranten verprügeln Jugendlichen an Bushaltestelle und filmen die Tat
Seit dem 28. Juni kursiert wieder ein Video im Internet, was zeigt wie ein Jugendlicher an einer Bushaltstelle in Witten brutal zusammengeschlagen wird. Im Video ist zu sehen, wie ein Junge den Jugendlichen zu einer Entschuldigung zwingt und dann mit dem Knie mehrfach in den Bauch stoßt. Anschließend kommt ein zweiter aus der Migrantengruppe hinzu […]
Der Beitrag Witten: Migranten verprügeln Jugendlichen an Bushaltestelle und filmen die Tat erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.
Canada: Gay Couple Brutally Beaten by Middle Eastern Migrant Gang, Bystanders Film, Police Do Nothing (Video)
“Seven to ten Middle Eastern men, believed to be from Syria and aged 18-25, attacked my partner and me, throwing several punches and kicks to our faces, ribs, and other areas. As a result of this attack, we suffered a broken nose, a chipped tooth, and several bruises and lumps on our heads and faces.” – Emma MacLean
The post Canada: Gay Couple Brutally Beaten by Middle Eastern Migrant Gang, Bystanders Film, Police Do Nothing (Video) appeared first on RAIR.
Antisemitic Terror in France: 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl Brutally Gang-Raped by Pro-Palestinian Youths Outraged Over Her Religious Background (Video)
During the brutal sexual attack, the boys called her a “dirty Jew,” threatened her life, interrogated her about her Jewish faith, and asked provocative questions about Israel.
The post Antisemitic Terror in France: 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl Brutally Gang-Raped by Pro-Palestinian Youths Outraged Over Her Religious Background (Video) appeared first on RAIR.
Weekend Recap #1
Highlighted national news events from June 28, 2024 to June 30, 2024.
Deep State Desperation
Regardless of who the Democrat nominee ends up being, the Dems appear unorganized, incompetent, and untrustworthy. If this was the Deep State’s plan, it’s a terrible one. Whatever they hoped to accomplish, they’ve squandered it with abysmal optics. If they stick with Biden, the MSM are going to have to walk back all their recent negative press about him, and go back to bootlicking for Biden, which will be a nearly impossible sell to the public, and Trump will win.