Dortmund: Pfefferspray-Angriff und Sexualdelikt durch Syrer im Freibad

In einem Freibad in Dortmund kam es am Dienstag (6. August 2024) zu einem Pfefferspray-Angriff und einem Sexualdelikt durch syrische Tatverdächtige. Bei einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen zwei Gruppen mit jeweils vier Beteiligten wurde zunächst Pfefferspray eingesetzt. Die Polizei nahm daraufhin zwei 15-jährige syrische Tatverdächtige fest, wobei einer der beiden mit massiven Widerstandshandlungen versuchte, die Festnahme zu [...]

Der Beitrag Dortmund: Pfefferspray-Angriff und Sexualdelikt durch Syrer im Freibad erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Nearly 1 in 20 Syrians Now Lives in Islamized Germany

Since the asylum crisis of 2015, the Syrian population in Germany has surged dramatically. According to Statista, Germany now hosts a staggering 972,000 Syrians. This means that almost 1 in 20 Syrians globally now live in Germany, considering Syria’s total population of 22 million. In stark contrast, only 60,000 Syrians were living in Germany in […]

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Taylor Swift’s Vienna Concerts Cancelled Amid Islamic Terror Plot Foiled by Austrian Police

This latest foiled attack at Taylor Swift’s Vienna concerts follows a similar pattern of Islamic terrorism at stadiums, inspired by previous atrocities such as the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017 and the Bataclan Theatre massacre in 2015.

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Islam vs. The West: ‘Spain is Christian and Not Muslim’ (Video)

Muslims believe that all territories lost during the Christian Reconquista of Spain still belong to Islam. They claim that Islamic law grants them the right to return and re-establish Muslim rule. With over 45 million Muslims in Europe, a cultural war is underway, and most non-Muslims remain unaware of it.

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Islamized France: ‘Are You Jewish? I’m Moroccan… I’m Going to F*ck Your Mother… You Dirty Piece of Trash Jew’

The vicious attack took place at the Nouveau Saint-Roch stop, located in Montpellier, France. “Where did you see that I was Jewish, jerk?” the victim asks at the end of the video. Meanwhile, in Islamized France… "Are you a Jew or not? Are you a Jew or not? I'm asking if you are Jewish or […]

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