Stuttgart: Syrer nach Messerangriff tatverdächtig

Im Bereich eines Hinterhofs an der Stuttgarter Königstraße kam es am Dienstag (31. Juli 2024) zu einem schweren Messerangriff. Dabei wurde ein 37-jähriger Mann lebensgefährlich verletzt. Ein 47-Jähriger sowie ein 24-Jähriger wurden leicht verletzt. Die Polizei nahm einen 17-jährigen Tatverdächtigen mit syrischer Staatsbürgerschaft fest. Während die Polizeimeldung die syrische Staatsbürgerschaft des Tatverdächtigen erwähnt, fehlt diese [...]

Der Beitrag Stuttgart: Syrer nach Messerangriff tatverdächtig erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Invasion of Young Male Migrants Sparks Sexual Assault and Violence Crisis: German Women Pay the Heaviest Price

The unchecked influx of young male migrants has resulted in numerous sex offenders entering the country. This has prompted the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) to push for a reduction in the number of asylum seekers, while the left-wing Green Party remains silent on the issue. Irregular migration to Germany has negatively impacted security in public […]

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French accused of ‘gaslighting’ with ‘Last Supper’ denials as outcry over anti-Christian mocker

From Washington Times: Meanwhile, Judicial Watch filed a Federal Communications Commission complaint against NBCUniversal, which is broadcasting the games, for “airing obscene and indecent content from the Olympics Opening Ceremony.” The complaint noted that the drag queens were joined by child performers during a dance scene on a catwalk and in the “Last Supper” segment, […]

The post French accused of ‘gaslighting’ with ‘Last Supper’ denials as outcry over anti-Christian mocker appeared first on Judicial Watch.

Taliban Gets $239 Mil in U.S. Afghanistan Aid after State Dept. Fails to Vet Awardees

Less than a year after Judicial Watch reported that the Taliban has established fake nonprofits to steal millions of dollars in U.S. aid to Afghanistan, a new investigation reveals that the terrorist group has also received hundreds of millions in development assistance from Uncle Sam because the State Department fails to properly vet award recipients. […]

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NBC faces FCC complaint over airing ‘obscene’ Olympics Last Supper parody

From Washington Examiner: The legal watchdog Judicial Watch filed a complaint on Monday with the Federal Communications Commission against NBC for airing an “obscene and indecent” Olympic opening ceremony skit that some say mocked the Last Supper. The group said the skit included a man exposing himself during the ceremony watched by millions, including children. […]

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