Taliban Gets $239 Mil in U.S. Afghanistan Aid after State Dept. Fails to Vet Awardees

Less than a year after Judicial Watch reported that the Taliban has established fake nonprofits to steal millions of dollars in U.S. aid to Afghanistan, a new investigation reveals that the terrorist group has also received hundreds of millions in development assistance from Uncle Sam because the State Department fails to properly vet award recipients. […]

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NBC faces FCC complaint over airing ‘obscene’ Olympics Last Supper parody

From Washington Examiner: The legal watchdog Judicial Watch filed a complaint on Monday with the Federal Communications Commission against NBC for airing an “obscene and indecent” Olympic opening ceremony skit that some say mocked the Last Supper. The group said the skit included a man exposing himself during the ceremony watched by millions, including children. […]

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Stephan Brandner: Verfassungsgericht kippt Teile der Wahlrechtsreform – Ampel reformunfähig

Berlin, 30.07.2024. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat heute sein Urteil zur Wahlrechtsreform der Ampelregierung verkündet, nachdem dies gestern schon, offenbar versehentlich, auf der Netzseite des Gerichts veröffentlicht worden war. Stephan Brandner, stellvertretender Bundessprecher der Alternative für Deutschland, zeigt sich erleichtert, dass der Weg für die faktische Verkleinerung des Bundestages nun frei ist. Dies gehe mit deutlichen Einsparungen [...]

Der Beitrag Stephan Brandner: Verfassungsgericht kippt Teile der Wahlrechtsreform – Ampel reformunfähig erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Muslim Asylum Seeker on Terror Watch List Stabs 13 People, Killing Two Children – Police Search for Motive While Ignoring Islamic Links

Ali Al-Shakati, a Muslim asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat last year and was on the MI6 watch list as well as known to Liverpool mental health services, carried out a horrifying stabbing spree in Southport, highlighting the state's concerning disregard for the Islamic motivations behind such attacks.

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Muslim Hate Cleric with Army Raises £3M to Purchase Island Near U.S. for Islamic State (Video)

A controversial Muslim cleric operating in the UK, spreading Islam in a bluntly Koranic manner, has raised millions to purchase a small British island to create his own Islamic state, according to the Daily Mail. Forty-five-year-old Sheikh Yasser al-Habib is reported to already have military-style training camps and intends to establish his own infrastructure and […]

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Judicial Watch: 113 Non-Citizens Voted in DC Presidential Primary

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received an Excel spreadsheet of names and other data from the District of Columbia Board of Elections revealing that 113 non-citizens voted in the June “2024 Presidential Primary.” The alien voter information was produced in response to a Judicial Watch July 3, 2024, D.C. Freedom of Information Act […]

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