“War plans” is a reach – but how the hell did this happen? I give you three reasons why, based on careful analysis of what was said and the people within the chat, this is likely to have occurred.
War and National Defense-Emergency State
It’s time to step from the precipice.
Was 2020 a CIA Regime-Change Operation?
The more I read the JFK files, the more I’m convinced that 2020 was an organized regime-change operation, by the CIA and their subsidiaries.
Warum die Medien unser Dopamin manipulieren – und wir es kaum merken
Medien berichten nicht nur – sie triggern unser Belohnungssystem. Reiz, Empörung, Bestätigung: Die moderne Berichterstattung setzt gezielt auf Mechanismen, die unser Dopamin anfeuern. Warum wir alle darauf hereinfallen und welche Strategien wirklich he…
Koalition auf Kollisionskurs?
Die Koalitionsgespräche laufen, die Uhr tickt. Wenn aber der seit Jahren andauernde Irrweg nicht konsequent gestoppt wird, dann ist die Regierung Merz gescheitert, bevor sie auch nur begonnen hat. Von Klaus Kelle.
Der Beitrag Koalition auf Kollisionsku…
My Commitment to My Audience in the Crowded World of Dueling Narratives
Don’t let the rapid expansion of this platform and bountiful availability of junk content distract you from the fact that there are those of us who remain committed to top-notch writing and content.
Key Headlines General Flynn Is Watching
Missouri judge finds Chinese government liable for $24B in damages for ‘hoarding’ protective equipment during COVID pandemic-
Exclusive — Tommy Valentine: Trump Promises to Investigate Satanic Attack on Catholic Church in Kansas
From Breitbart: CatholicVote repeatedly appealed to our second Catholic president and his administration to hear our concerns and stop weaponizing government agencies against their political opponents. Repeated letters to the FBI and DOJ, as well as Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the federal agencies, were met with stonewalling or silence. In April 2023, we joined […]
The post Exclusive — Tommy Valentine: Trump Promises to Investigate Satanic Attack on Catholic Church in Kansas appeared first on Judicial Watch.
‘God Above All, Hungary Before All’: Orbán Declares War on Brussels and the Soros Machine (Video)
In a powerful speech, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán reaffirmed Hungary’s role as the last bastion of national sovereignty and Christian identity in Europe, vowing to resist the globalist forces of Brussels, Soros, and the war-driven Western elite.
The post ‘God Above All, Hungary Before All’: Orbán Declares War on Brussels and the Soros Machine (Video) appeared first on RAIR.
Im Land der Erbsenzähler – Warum viele Deutsche so gerne Korinthen zählen
Ein deutscher Leser findet jeden Rechtschreibfehler schneller, als man Goethe falsch zitieren kann. Warum wir Perfektionismus zum Volkssport erklärt haben – und was uns dabei verloren geht.
Der Beitrag Im Land der Erbsenzähler – Warum viele Deutsche so…