Uelzen: Marokkaner stößt 55-Jährigen auf Bahnhofstreppe in den Tod

Ein 18-jähriger Marokkaner hat in der Nacht zum Samstag (13. Juli 2024) einen 55-jährigen Mann eine Bahnhofstreppe in Uelzen hinuntergestoßen. Der Mann verstarb nach einem schweren Schädelhirntrauma auf den Treppenstufen des Hundertwasser-Bahnhofs. Bereits am Vortag war der Marokkaner mit einem Taschendiebstahl und einer Körperverletzung aufgefallen. Er schlug einem 31-Jährigen mit der flachen Hand ins Gesicht. [...]

Der Beitrag Uelzen: Marokkaner stößt 55-Jährigen auf Bahnhofstreppe in den Tod erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Relentless Incitement: Left-Wing Rhetoric Behind Trump Assassination Attempt and Continued Calls for Violence (Video)

The tragic assassination attempt on President Trump and the subsequent death of Corey Comperatore, a retired firefighter, Christian, and father, along with the hospitalization of two others, highlight the deadly impact of the left’s relentless and violent rhetoric.

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Stunning Admission: Former CDC Head Dr. Robert Redfield Calls Covid mRNA Vaccines Toxic in Senate Testimony (Video)

Senator Ron Johnson directly questioned former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Dr. Robert Redfield (2018-2021) about the COVID-19 mRNA injections during a U.S. Senate hearing on Thursday. Redfield made some astonishing admissions regarding the mandated mRNA injections. He highlighted the dangers of the injections and the significant differences between what the public […]

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Judicial Watch Statement on the Assassination Attempt on Former President Donald Trump

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding an apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump: Every Judicial Watch supporter and every patriotic American is praying for President Trump, his family and the family of the Trump supporter murdered today. The radical Left has attempted to mass murder Republican congressmen, as well […]

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Islamic Terrorism Plot Thwarted: Four Minors and One Adult Arrested

In a significant development that highlights the persistent threat of Islamic terrorism in France, five young Muslim suspects have been arrested for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks and expressing a desire to join the Islamic State (Daesh). The group includes four minors—a 14-year-old girl, two 16-year-olds, and a 17-year-old—and one adult, aged 20. Among the suspects, […]

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