Judicial Watch Sues for ATF Records on Arkansas Raid that Led to Shooting Death of Clinton National Airport Official

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records regarding the fatal shooting of Little Rock, AR, resident and Executive Director of the Clinton National Airport Bryan Malinowski (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. […]

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Judicial Watch Asks Federal Court to Order Release of the Audio of President Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur

Biden Justice Department Argument is ‘Repugnant’ (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced it requested a federal court to reject the Biden Justice Department’s request to rewrite the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and that it order the release of the audio recordings of President Biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur within 14 days. (This […]

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Gelsenkirchen: Unbekannte entführen 15-Jährige im Transporter und vergewaltigen sie

Montagmittag wurde im Bereich des Nordsternparks an einer Bushaltestelle in der Kranefeldstraße ein 15-jähriges Mädchen entführt und anschließend sexuell missbraucht. Demnach wartete die junge Frau gegen 12:00 Uhr an der Bushaltestelle auf ihre Freundin. Plötzlich hielt ein weißer Transport neben ihr und zwei Männer mit arabischem Akzent drückten die 15-Jährige ins Auto. Nach einer kurzen [...]

Der Beitrag Gelsenkirchen: Unbekannte entführen 15-Jährige im Transporter und vergewaltigen sie erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Germany: Islamic Supremacists and Antifa Violently Disrupt Memorial for Policeman Killed in Jihad Terror Attack (Video)

"Every day, women and men are no longer safe on German streets because the government allows offenders [Afgani Migrant] like the one here in Mannheim to enter our country regularly, leading to more stabbings and violence."

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Putin’s Symbolic Tour

Putin’s tour from North Korea to Vietnam, might be more significant than it appears. Both North Korea and Vietnam are nations that used to be CIA hotbeds, and two main areas of conflict during the Cold War. Putin just signed strategic agreements with both of them, and appears to be having a blast with Kim Jong Un.