Neue Enthüllungen zeigen: Fast alle Regierungsdokumente von Joe Biden tragen eine maschinelle Unterschrift. Hat er jemals selbst regiert – oder war er nur eine Fassade für die wahren Strippenzieher im Weißen Haus?
Der Beitrag Hat Joe Biden jemals selbs…
USDA Gave Black College $600k to Study Menstrual Cycles in Transgender Men, Non-Binary Persons
In a flagrant example that demonstrates the urgency to crack down on reckless government spending, the federal agency that runs the nation’s scandal-plagued food stamp program gave a public historically black university over half a million dollars to study menstrual cycles in transgender men and people with masculine gender identities. The U.S. Department of Agriculture […]
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March 2025 Voter Registration by Party Updates for Key 2026 and 2028 Battlegrounds
The annihilation of the Democrat Party continues at an incredible rate, highlighted by the focus states within – FL, PA, IA, NH, NC, AZ, and NV
Millionen-Grab Deutsche Bahn – neuer Rekord bei Entschädigungen an Kunden
Die Bahn kommt – nicht! Deshalb muss der Staatskonzern immer tiefer in die Tasche des Steuerzahlers greifen. Union und SPD wollten die hausgemachten Probleme mit neuen Schulden zuschütten, doch das scheitert jetzt ausgerechnet an den Grünen. Von Kai Re…
Why Is the U.S. Government Allowing Kuwait to Operate a Mega Mosque in Utah (Video)
America bends over backward to financially support Islamic expansion within its borders, while Kuwait and other Islamic nations would never allow the same for Christianity. This isn’t religious freedom—it’s a one-way street to submission to Islam.
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Justice is Dead: Canada and the UK Codify Racial Bias in Sentencing (Video)
Both the UK and Canada have now codified Orwellian “equity” policies that dismantle the principle of equal justice under the law. These policies ensure that racial, cultural, and religious minorities receive preferential treatment in sentencing—while White males are explicitly excluded from such leniency. The UK’s Codified anti-Equality Standard The British government is enshrining racial and religious […]
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Mass Murder by Injection: Dr. Makis Exposes the mRNA Turbo Cancer Scandal and Canada’s Cover-Up (Video)
Over the last few years, the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) has traversed Canada, gathering sworn testimony from experts and victims alike on the disastrous consequences of COVID-19 measures, with a particular emphasis on the experimental mRNA injections. One of the most harrowing testimonies came from Canadian oncologist Dr. William Makis, who has been at the […]
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Männer mit Brüsten, Frauen mit Bärten – was soll das noch sein?
Die Pariser Fashion Week inszeniert nicht nur Kleidung, sondern ein gesellschaftliches Experiment: Geschlecht als bizarres Spiel, Mode als politisches Statement. Was steckt hinter diesem absurden Spektakel?
Der Beitrag Männer mit Brüsten, Frauen mit Bä…
Over 1,000 Syrian Christians Slaughtered and Crucified by Islamic Butchers (Video)
Islamic jihadists have seized Syria, unleashing a genocidal purge of Christians and Alawites while the world stays silent.
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Legal Watchdog: D.C. Police Demand $1.57 Million To Release Jan. 6 Bodycam Footage
From The Federalist: The Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department is charging the conservative legal watchdog, Judicial Watch, more than $1.5 million to access bodycam footage of the Jan. 6 Capitol protests. On Tuesday, the non-profit published a press release outlining the department’s demands following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed last summer. Judicial Watch filed […]
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