City sued for paying hundreds of Black residents $25,000 in reparations

From Washington Post: Evanston, a Chicago suburb, has been credited with launching the country’s first government-funded reparations program for Black Americans. It has paid out nearly $5 million to 193 of the town’s Black residents over the past two years. But now a conservative advocacy group has filed a class-action lawsuit to kill the program, […]

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Germany: AfD Politician Attacked with Knife in Mannheim, Days After Jihad Stabbing in the Same City

In a shocking attack in the city of Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Heinrich Koch, a 62-year-old AfD (Alternative for Germany) local council candidate, was attacked and injured with a knife late on Tuesday evening. The attack occurred just seven days after a police officer’s murder in the same city, raising concerns about the escalating violence in the […]

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Gera: Mann mit dunklem Phänotyp belästigt 17-Jährige sexuell

Gestern wurde eine 17-jährige junge Frau von einem Unbekannten sexuell belästigt. Demnach war die junge Frau gegen 15:50 Uhr in der Kupferstraße unterwegs, als der unbekannte Mann die 17-Jährige ansprach und unsittlich berührte. Beschreibung des Täters: Männlich, ca. 17-18 Jahre alt, ca. 175 cm groß, dunkler Phänotyp, gebrochenes Deutsch, schwarze längere lockige Haare, dickere Augenbrauen, [...]

Der Beitrag Gera: Mann mit dunklem Phänotyp belästigt 17-Jährige sexuell erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Political Interference: Meta Ordered to Pay Damages to Conservative MEP in Landmark Censorship Case

Meta, the parent company of left-wing-controlled Facebook and Instagram, has been ordered to pay €27,000 in damages to MEP Tom Vandendriessche of the Vlaams Belang party. The Antwerp Court of Appeal ruled in favor of Vandendriessche, condemning Meta for covertly banning the conservative parliamentarian from Facebook without sufficient justification. The controversy began on February 19, […]

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Must Watch: Vox Blasts Spain’s Islamic Infiltration and Its Threat to Cultural Values Ahead of European Parliament Elections

In a startling revelation, recent data shows that Spain has seen a more than 400% increase in illegal immigration through the Canary Islands, with Catalonia reporting that over 50% of its prison population now consists of foreign nationals—figures that highlight the urgent need for Vox's bold stance against rising Islamization.

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Viersen-Dülken: Versuchte Tötung – Polizei fahndet nach dem 34-jährigen Oguzhan D.

Nach einer versuchten Tötung am 03. Juni hat die Polizei und SEK Beamte die Wohnung eines 34-jährigen Tatverdächtigen durchsucht. Demnach soll der Mann versucht haben einen 43-jährigen Mann durch mehrere Schüsse schwer verletzt zu haben. Die Beamten durchsuchten insgesamt drei Objekte und stellen mehrere Beweismittel fest. Der Tatverdächtige Oguzhan D. konnte nicht angetroffen werden. Quelle [...]

Der Beitrag Viersen-Dülken: Versuchte Tötung – Polizei fahndet nach dem 34-jährigen Oguzhan D. erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Did Fauci Steal Social Distancing from Hollywood?

If you REALLY want to go down the rabbit hole, I am about to blow your mind. Flashback to 2011 movie, “Contagion”. The blockbuster movie with star-studded Hollywood cast, about a global pandemic stemming from a virus from a wet market in China… Nathan Wolfe, Metabiota founder and lead virologist, was the lead biological consultant for this movie to help direct the producers on how the health community would realistically respond to a “hypothetical” pandemic.

Taliban Gets Millions in U.S. Afghanistan Aid by Charging Taxes, Permit Fees, Import Duties

Of the nearly $3 billion in humanitarian aid that the United States has given Afghanistan since the 2021 military withdraw at least $11 million—and likely a lot more—has gone to the Taliban, according to a new federal audit that reveals the U.S. “has continued to be the largest international donor supporting the Afghan people since […]

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Judicial Watch Denounces Abuse of Trump!

Top Headlines of the Week Press Releases Judicial Watch: Biden Justice Department Admits Special Counsel Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate Judicial Watch announced that the White House admitted in a federal court that the transcript of President Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur is not accurate and is missing “filler words (such […]

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