Alice Weidel: Für Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit – nie wieder Sozialismus!

Berlin, 17.06.2024. Heute vor 71 Jahren begehrten in der ehemaligen DDR hunderttausende Menschen gegen einen grassierenden Sozialismus auf, der die Bürger massiv in ihrer Freiheit beschnitt und jeden demokratischen Ansatz im Keim erstickte. Dazu AfD-Bundessprecherin Dr. Alice Weidel: „Wir blicken mit Dankbarkeit auf die Männer und Frauen, die am 17. Juni 1953 bereit waren, für [...]

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Hamburg: Tunesier-Duo attackiert Mann mit Messer und stechen auf dessen Kopf ein

Am vergangenen Freitag ist es in einer S-Bahn der Line 5 in Richtung Harburg zu einem Messerangriff gekommen. Um kurz nach 12 Uhr sind die beiden Männer und das spätere Opfer in eine verbale Streitigkeit geraten. Im weiteren Verlauf verletzte das Duo den 20-Jährigen an der Hand und drückte ihn dann zu Boden. Anschließend wurde [...]

Der Beitrag Hamburg: Tunesier-Duo attackiert Mann mit Messer und stechen auf dessen Kopf ein erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Coptic Bishop Warns Germany: Islamic Immigration Will Make You a Minority in Your Homeland (Video)

A Coptic bishop explains to Germans that Egypt was once a Christian country, with Coptic Christians being the majority of the population by a large margin, before Islam conquered and took it over. “Copts were once the rulers of Egypt; today, we’re struggling just to survive. If you ignore what’s going on in Europe, you’ll […]

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Sharia Police and Hatred of Jews: How Primary Schools are Becoming Islamized

The Austrian government advocates for mandatory democracy and ethics education to counter radical influences, but fails to address that these influences are rooted in authentic Islamic teachings, a reality often sanitized by Western governments and media, thereby endangering non-Muslims.

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Disturbing Interview of Grown Islamic Man and Child ‘Fiancé’

The legitimacy of “marrying” pre-pubescent girls who have not yet had their “monthly courses” is established both in the Quran and in the “perfect example” set by the “Prophet” Muhammad for his Islamic followers. This is Islam and this is the Sharia that we are fighting and which they want to spread in the West. […]

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Islam’s Call for America’s Demise: The Grim Truth Behind Multiculturalism

Muslims demanded an end to “the cancer that is” America, liberty, and secularism, insisting that Islam should be the governing principle, during a sermon at the University of Illinois Chicago on May 3, 2024. Multiculturalism was inevitably going to lead to the end of all cultures except the most belligerent. Forced tolerance was always going […]

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France: “Isra-Hell,” Swastika, and Other Anti-Jewish Tags Found on Church and Buildings

Antisemitic graffiti was discovered on buildings in downtown Pont-Audemer, France, including on an exterior wall of the church. The police have launched an investigation into the incident. “This is a totally unacceptable, inadmissible act,” stated Alexis Darmois, the mayor of Pont-Audemer, expressing his anger. The anti-Jewish tags were found on Thursday, June 13, and Friday, […]

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