Tucker as VP?

Trump said he would “consider” Tucker as his VP for 2024, and people are obviously hyped about it. I hate this idea, and here’s why:Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

The “Stalemate” Narrative is a Lie

The 🇺🇦 supporters are DESPERATELY clinging to the “stalemate” narrative. They think the war is over for BOTH sides. Completely ignoring that Russia have not run out of soldiers, equipment, funding, etc. That’s just Ukraine.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

A Prelude to War

I took a break from the psyops for the weekend. I sat back and observed from a distance while emotions settled. Here’s what I see: There is a massive propaganda campaign by Israel and their Western partners, seeking to garner public support for all out war in the Middle East.

NIH Emails Show Fauci Facilitated Lab-Origin Coverup!

New un-redacted NIH emails released between Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US NIH and British Scientist and now Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization, Dr. Jeremy Farrar. In what reads like a mafia-esque power struggle, the new emails reveal Fauci and Farrar intimidated/influenced the world’s top biologists and virologists into not only abandoning their concerns of a possible lab origin, but were tasked with “disproving the lab-leak theory” as well.

We the People’s List of Demands

In response to the MASSIVE revelations made available by the Twitter Files, I drafted a petition, demanding the military fulfill their Oath to defend the Constitution from a domestic threat that is the Deep State and their coordinated effort to wittingly defraud and interfere in our elections, as well as violate the Constitution and use private enterprise to target and impede the Rights of citizens protected by the Constitution.