A Call for Unity

I’ve always considered myself a Libertarian, because I believe in individual liberty and minimal government. But I am a huge supporter of Trump, because I recognize he poses a significant threat to the establishment that we want to dismantle. Trump is not part of the duopoly. Libertarians need to understand that MAGA is an entirely different faction within the GOP. It’s essentially a different party, using the GOP as a vessel to the White House, and it works. It works far better than being a 3rd party and getting nowhere.

The War on Family

There is a reason the Left are so upset about Harrison Butker’s speech about traditional family values. Because the Left’s mission is to destroy the nuclear family, so that the individual is dependent on the State. The Left want full control of all aspects of your life. They want both parents working, so they have more income tax to launder. They want your children being raised in their indoctrination centers known as public schools, so they can raise your children while you are at work.

Trump Biden Debate! Will It Actually Happen?

It makes absolutely zero sense for the Biden regime to want this debate. Pedo Joe is gonna get ragdolled. But it’s a LONG six weeks between now and June 27th. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just posturing from the Biden camp, and the debate somehow ends up not happening. That way they can say “we wanted to debate!”, and then blame the debate falling through on H5N1 or whatever hoax they have planned.

Judge Cannon Delays Trump’s Classified Documents Case Indefinitely!

This move indicates that this case will NOT go to trial before Election Day, essentially nullifying the case if Trump were to win, who could then pardon himself and end this charade. The Deep State have failed once again, and they only made Trump more popular in the process. They confirmed Trump’s entire narrative that the establishment have weaponized all levers of government against him.