The Bloodbath Hoax

The Left need Trump and his supporters to appear violent, so they can justify their blind hatred for us. “Muh Russia” didn’t turn out to be true. The racist/misogynist claims didn’t stick. Trump didn’t start WW3 like they said he would. “Orange man bad” is their entire identity. It’s the false shield that allows them to bend the law, abuse power, censor truth, spread propaganda, weaponize intelligence agencies/media, etc.

They Are Coming For X

Consider the timeline: The Biden regime just deployed every asset to stop Trump from being on the ballot, and they failed. Trump is projected to win. Now swamp rats want to pass a bill that would give Biden the power to control the flow of information on social media.

The Clintons are to Blame for Haiti

🚨FLASHBACK 2010🚨 The Clinton Foundation were in charge of the $13+ billion in aid to rebuild Haiti. Bill Clinton used the phrase “build Haiti back better”. The Haitian People never saw that money, and now their country is ruled by cannibal gangs. This is what the Dems mean when they say “build back better”. They do not care about helping the needy. They are only interested in enriching themselves under the guise of “foreign aid”.

MAGA’s Next Obstacle… RFK Jr.

Now that we have officially buried Nimrata, it’s time for MAGA to focus on the next obstacle… RFK Jr. The majority of MAGA have written off RFK Jr. as irrelevant, but he is polling anywhere from 9-14%, with Trump and Biden neck and neck. Trump’s new slogan is “Too Big To Rig”. If we intend to outvote the steal, we are going to need all the help we can get. There is no room for error. With 9-14% of the vote out there, that could EASILY flip a closely contested swing State, and could cost us the election, which essentially means WW3.

Nuland to Resign!

Nuland is the definition of Deep State bureaucrat. She is the architect of the Ukraine color revolution, and coordinated with the CIA to overthrow the sovereign nation in 2014. However, Nuland’s big mouth is the only reason you all know who I am. Flashback to March 8th, 2022. Nuland admits in a public hearing, that the US do indeed have biolabs in Ukraine, and that they are “quite concerned Russian forces are seeking to gain control of” these biolabs, and they were “working with the Ukrainians to make sure the research material does not fall into the hands of Russian forces”.

Trump Wins Missouri but the Election is NOT Just About Votes

Trump has been declared winner of the Missouri Caucuses. However, this doesn’t feel like news, as we all know Trump is going to win the Primary. The election doesn’t depend on the vote, it depends on election interference and fraud. Will they remove Trump from the ballot? Will they release another pathogen to implement mass mail-in voting, harvest ballots, and dump them at swing states at 3:00AM after they stopped counting?

Biden’s Smoking Gun Phone Call

Now that the MSM admit the CIA had bases in Ukraine since 2014, let’s revisit this infamous phone call. Two weeks after Trump was elected in 2016, then VP Biden called then Ukrainian President Poroshenko, nervous about Trump finding out where the money was going in Ukraine.

The Deep State’s Army

For the last ten years, the CIA have been using Ukraine to build their own military force, outside the scope of US MIL and Executive control. Using taxpayer dollars, under the guise of foreign aid, the CIA turned Ukraine into a giant forward operating base on Russia’s border.

CIA Biological Presence in Ukraine

So the official MSM narrative is now that the CIA established bases in Ukraine, since 2014. In addition to the bases, CIA proxy, USAID, funded and operated biolabs in Ukraine, as part of project PREDICT, a preemptive pandemic response program, looking for animal viruses in nature, so they could then enhance the functions, and make vaccines for viruses that don’t exist yet, and might never exist.