But Its Nefarious Activity Continues To Be Exposed Anyway
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton to be Featured at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced its participation as a Supporting Sponsor of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), February 21-24, at the Gaylord National Harbor. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton is scheduled to speak at CPAC on Saturday, February 24.* Viewers can watch the broadcast live Thursday – Saturday at www.judicialwatch.org/cpac.They can […]
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MAGA’s Punching Bag
If Nikki wants to hang around and remain MAGA’s punching bag, she is more than welcome to. She is keeping Trump voters engaged during primary season, and continually proves Trump to be a far superior candidate by juxtaposition. Her very presence confirms the establishment’s desperation to keep Trump out of office. She stands zero chance of winning, and only remains in the hope that Trump gets thrown in prison or removed from the ballot.
“This Is A Rigged System Of Justice”
Kash Patel | Fight With Kash
Much is being revealed
Newsletter analysis and summary of current social/political news
The Modern Evil Empire
The West claim they are righteous, therefore incapable of wrongdoing. They believe they are entitled to overthrow Ukraine, create a puppet regime, and put an army on Russia’s border, all in the name of “Democracy”. Just like The Crusades, war was justified in the name of “God”, when it was really about conquest. Soldiers were given free rein to murder, pillage, and rape, under the guise that they were God’s righteous warriors, would be absolved of all sin, and granted safe passage to heaven in the afterlife.
Gina Haspel Is Blocking The Release Of A Critical Document!
Kash Patel | Fight With Kash
Day 2 of Disqualification: Fulton County Attacks
And – Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade caught in a lie.
Court Fight Against Biden DOJ!
Biden Justice Department Asks Court to Keep the Names of Jack Smith’s Top Staff Secret Mayorkas Personally Declined Kennedy’s Request for Secret Service Protection Judicial Watch Succeeds in Interrupting Texas A&M Ties with Qatar Huge Spike in Illegals Along Northern Border, Including from Terrorist Nation Biden Justice Department Asks Court to Keep the Names […]
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Navalny was a Deep State Asset
Now that you’ve heard the fake outrage from the West, let’s look at the information they withheld from you. Navalny is a terrorist. He was caught planning a color revolution to overtake Russia with MI6. He’s not “political opposition”. He’s a foreign intelligence asset. A spy.