Judicial Watch Settles State Department Lawsuit that Uncovered Hillary Clinton’s Unsecure, Nongovernment Emails

Judicial Watch is Awarded $97,000 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it settled its 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, which sought the emails of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the Benghazi attack. This suit led directly to the disclosure of Clinton’s use of a nongovernment email server to conduct government business […]

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The Deep State’s Army

For the last ten years, the CIA have been using Ukraine to build their own military force, outside the scope of US MIL and Executive control. Using taxpayer dollars, under the guise of foreign aid, the CIA turned Ukraine into a giant forward operating base on Russia’s border.

CIA Biological Presence in Ukraine

So the official MSM narrative is now that the CIA established bases in Ukraine, since 2014. In addition to the bases, CIA proxy, USAID, funded and operated biolabs in Ukraine, as part of project PREDICT, a preemptive pandemic response program, looking for animal viruses in nature, so they could then enhance the functions, and make vaccines for viruses that don’t exist yet, and might never exist.

Ghastly 7,300% Surge in Illegal Immigrants from Same Nation as College Student’s Murderer

While most mainstream media coverage flagrantly omits that the man charged in the murder of a Georgia nursing student is an illegal immigrant who entered the United States through the famously porous southern border, other important nuggets are also being left out of most reports. The 26-year-old suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, comes from a country—Venezuela—run […]

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MICHAEL BEKESHA And MARC GREENDORFER: Is Foreign Cash Turning Our Kids Into Terrorist Sympathizers?

From Daily Caller: Judicial Watch and the Zachor Legal Institute spent more than five years successfully fighting the Qatar Foundation in Texas courts for access to information that neither the Foundation nor Texas A&M University wanted to give us about the funding or donations made to Texas A&M by the government of Qatar and agencies […]

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