The Biggest Interview in History

As someone who has been trying to get everyone on board the Putin/Russia train for years, I am euphoric right now. Because I know what’s about to happen to the people who watch the interview. Because the same thing happened to me. The first time I heard Putin speak, he sounded very reasonable. He believes in traditional family values. He believes Western society is a failing cesspool of perversion and gender insanity. He is right.

Podesta Back in the Spotlight is Worst Case Scenario for Deep State

HOLY SHIT… Just when I thought the Biden regime couldn’t get any more stupid, they bring John Podesta back into the spotlight. Why would they make it this easy for us? Biden just brought in the ringleader of the satanic pedos. Given the Epstein files coming out, this might be the dumbest thing the Deep State could have done. Now citizen journalists are going to recirculate all of his pedophile/satanic activity. But most importantly, we have the free speech platform to do it, and the influence/reach to make a significant impact on public perception. They can’t censor us now thanks to Elon.

Sane Take on Swift/Kelce

I had zero plans of addressing this, because it’s really dumb, but I’ve seen so many bad NFL/Taylor Swift takes that I have to set you all straight. The NFL is not scripted. Kelce and Swift’s relationship is not fake. The NFL and TV networks have a financial interest in promoting Swift, because she has massive influence and her fans belong to the demographics the NFL does not currently have. They are just trying to expand their audience, and Swift is an easy avenue to get more women to watch the NFL.

NY Post Claims Trump Team Approached RFK Jr. for VP Bid 👀

⚠️INTRIGUING⚠️ NY Post claims Trump team approached RFK Jr. about potential VP bid! However, they quote unnamed sources and insiders, so take with a grain of salt. If you’ve been following me, you know I have been calling for Trump to pick RFK Jr. as VP and join forces, to ensure we defeat Joe Biden and the establishment. The avenue is there. Logically, it makes sense. Both of these men have been attacked by the media and the establishment more than anyone else. Meaning the establishment fear these two men the most.

Citizen Journalism Showing Up at the Ballot Box

Trump’s support is stronger than its ever been. Despite the Biden regime weaponizing all levers of government against Trump, raiding his home, indicting him, deploying all assets against him, etc. This confirms the People are not buying what the MSM are selling. Meaning they are getting their news from independent/alternative media.

⚠️Final New Hampshire Analysis⚠️

Approximately 40,000 more people voted in the NH GOP Primary in 2024, than in 2016. Roughly a 15% increase in voter turnout. Biggest ever for a NH Primary. Meaning Democrats were voting for Haley. However, Trump’s support outweighed the Dems’ attempt to cheat, in a State that has voted blue the last 2 General elections.

Trump Isn’t the Only One Trying to Take Out the Deep State

INTRIGUING 👀 Trump talks about his great relationships with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-Un. Is it a coincidence that Trump has great relationships with all of the world leaders who oppose Ukraine/NATO? Putin is directly accusing Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Soros, of developing bioweapons in Ukraine, and manufacturing the Covid pandemic, to steal the election via mail-in voting.