I took a break from the psyops for the weekend. I sat back and observed from a distance while emotions settled. Here’s what I see: There is a massive propaganda campaign by Israel and their Western partners, seeking to garner public support for all out war in the Middle East.
The Left-Wing Identity Crisis
Twitter’s open discourse a catalyst for mass public-awakening
NIH Emails Show Fauci Facilitated Lab-Origin Coverup!
New un-redacted NIH emails released between Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US NIH and British Scientist and now Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization, Dr. Jeremy Farrar. In what reads like a mafia-esque power struggle, the new emails reveal Fauci and Farrar intimidated/influenced the world’s top biologists and virologists into not only abandoning their concerns of a possible lab origin, but were tasked with “disproving the lab-leak theory” as well.
How the Deep State Launder Classified Docs
Today, the White House Counsel revealed that the Biden’s Wilmington home in Delaware does not have any visitor logs that track who comes and goes. There is no information pertaining to who could have had access to these insecure classified documents.
The Biden Docs Scandal is about DECLAS!
Biden is desperate to hide the truth about Ukraine, the Iran Deal, and Russiagate
Russian MIL Begin Naming Names! Fauci and Collins of the NIH Created C19!
Biological Update from Russian Ministry of Defense, pertaining to the conclusion of the Ninth Review Conference of the BWC. To put it briefly, no ground was made. The West blocked all proposals put forth by Russia to amend the Biological Weapons Convention, in order to hold the US accountable for their actions in Ukraine.
We the People’s List of Demands
In response to the MASSIVE revelations made available by the Twitter Files, I drafted a petition, demanding the military fulfill their Oath to defend the Constitution from a domestic threat that is the Deep State and their coordinated effort to wittingly defraud and interfere in our elections, as well as violate the Constitution and use private enterprise to target and impede the Rights of citizens protected by the Constitution.
EU Calling for International Tribunals in Ukraine for Alleged Russian War Crimes
HUGE developments on the world stage, as the member Nations of the EU are pushing to create a “specialized court” for “International Tribunals”, backed by the UN, to be held in Ukraine, to prosecute Russian military and political leaders for “starting the war” in Ukraine.
Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention Begins Monday
The world’s eyes will shift to Geneva, Switzerland, beginning Monday, November 28th, 2022, and the Conference will last to mid-December. This is where countries of the UN can propose changes to the current Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). These conferences have been occurring every 5 years since 1972, and has been nothing more than ceremonial. This year however, given the recent allegations put forth from Russia against the United States, the Ninth installment of the BWC Review Conference is the next diplomatic battleground to hold the Deep State accountable for their biological malfeasance in Ukraine.
Pre-Election Rundown
Let’s go over the political landscape as we head into the election tomorrow. Where we stand, what possible scenarios to expect, public perception, current events, and more. For starters, we must address Elon and his endorsement of GOP candidates today. Like him or not, he is without a doubt the most influential man on the planet at the moment. His endorsement of the GOP went to his 114 million followers and made every outlet’s front page, in either elation or disgust.