New documents released to the public, pertaining to DHS secret relationships with social media companies, and the government’s hand in censorship of TRUTH, which altered the outcome of the 2020 election. See DHS/CISA documents here. Turns out the “Disinformation Governance Board” was already going on before they told us about it. The US Intelligence Community were giving orders to social media companies on moderation. Instructing them what to label as “mis/disinformation”, see below via
Final Draft on US Biological Activity in Ukraine Presented to UNSC
MASSIVE statements from Russian Permanent Representative to the the UN pertaining to the US Biolabs in Ukraine. It appears that a formal investigation is inevitable. Today United Nations Security Council (UNSC) carried out debate on the possible enactment of Article VI of the Biological Weapons Convention, which would be an investigation into the United States and their Biolabs in Ukraine.
MSM Reports on Looming UN Investigation of US Biolabs in Ukraine
The Western media have largely ignored Russia’s repeated pleas to the UN pertaining to the US Biological Network in Ukraine. It appears something changed, as yesterday, the Left-wing media found themselves unable to avoid reporting on the growing calls for the enactment of Article VI of the Biological Weapons Convention.
Biden Abuses NATSEC Powers to Interfere in Twitter Deal
Biden and the DNC have gone full-blown totalitarian dictatorship, and have now declared that they will use Executive powers to prevent Elon Musk from purchasing Twitter, via a National Security Review. They are suggesting that Elon Musk, a private citizen, purchasing a private company, is a threat to National Security…
Russia and China Push to Enact Article VI of The Biological Weapons Convention to Investigate US/Ukraine
Today, the UN held a Consultative meeting between the State Parties to the Convention of the Prohibition of Biological Toxins and Weapons (BWTC), under Article V. Keep in mind this is the first time in history Article V has been utilized. A joint statement was delivered by Russia, China, Belarus, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria; pertaining to the unresolved US biological laboratories in Ukraine.
Alter Your Perspective on Durham’s Role
I laid off the Danchenko trial, because I recognized that Durham’s role is more of an educator than a prosecutor. And unfortunately, many in this community are so famished for justice, that they are let down when low-level pawns are not prosecuted. Yet, if Danchenko was to have been found guilty, the same people who are upset, would have been screaming that “none of this matter’s unless Hillary and Obama go down”. Which, is true.