The Push for WW3

Secretary of State Blinken says “Ukraine WILL become a member of NATO”. The moment Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, all member states will then be considered in direct conflict with Russia, and this proxy war will turn into full-scale WW3. The American People have no interest in sending our men and women to die in Ukraine, to cover up the crimes of corrupt oligarchs and bureaucrats, all while our own border remains unchecked, and our society continues to crumble.

Spiritual Warfare

The Left’s assault on Christianity is not an accident. They are trying to strip us of our culture, because they intend to establish a new one. A strong People with strong beliefs, are much harder to enslave than those who are broken and directionless.

Teflon Don Strikes Again

This is not about money. This is war. $175 million is not going to deter Trump from his mission of fixing this country. The objective is to get back in the White House. The root of this problem is corruption at all levels. The only way to resolve this problem, is to drain the swamp. The only way Trump can do that, is to win the election.

Putin is Keen to Their Plan

Putin has remained poised and logical in the face of evil. Yet MSM claim he is a deranged Hitler-esque loose-cannon, who wants nuclear war and global domination. If we use 9/11 and 10/7 as precedent, Russia are now free to invade or bomb any country they wish.

A Heavy Price to be Paid

Russia have detained the terrorists. They are singing like canaries. They claim they were recruited on Telegram to commit the attack in exchange for money. Putin himself claims that Ukraine tried to assist the terrorists into Ukraine after the attack.

Terror in Moscow

There are three possibilities here: 1- US/NATO/Ukraine were behind the attack, in an attempt to force Putin to escalate, and drag NATO into full-scale WW3. 2- Russia were behind the attack to justify significant escalation. 3- Unknown entity carried out for unknown reasons.