President Xi Says US Tried to Bait China into invading Taiwan!

HOLY SHIT… According to the Financial Times, back in April of 2023, Chinese President Xi told EU President Ursula Von Der Leyen, that the US tried to bait China into attacking Taiwan. Frankly, I believe Xi. This is the same playbook the US used for Ukraine. The Casus Belli. The US put military forces all around their enemy’s border, and then cry victim when they get attacked. This way, the US can justify the war they wanted, and garner public support by making it look like they are acting in “defense”, when the US are the ones who brought their armies/weapons to Russia and China’s borders.

Hunter’s Gun Charges Mean NOTHING

I don’t give a damn about gun charges. This is just a slap on the wrist to make it look like the DOJ were looking into Hunter’s criminality. Just like Hillary with Comey’s speedy “investigation” of her private email server before the 2016 election, they are hoping this will appease the public so they can move past it.

How Else was Trump Supposed to Handle Covid?

Trump has received lots of criticism for his handling of Covid and unwillingness to fire Fauci, but what exactly could he have done? At the time, the public and MSM literally worshipped Fauci like a god. Flashback to Reuters report from 10/06/2020: If Trump fired the senior most US Health Official, during a pandemic, the Dems/MSM would have lost their minds, and it would have severely negatively impacted Trump’s support, just months out from the 2020 election.