Exploring how influential thinkers like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russell, and the Huxleys envisioned a future driven by scientific management, technological innovation, and centralized power.
March 2025 Voter Registration by Party Updates for Key 2026 and 2028 Battlegrounds
The annihilation of the Democrat Party continues at an incredible rate, highlighted by the focus states within – FL, PA, IA, NH, NC, AZ, and NV
Staying Calm in the Storms
There are some spiritual situations that you must endure rather than try to escape from.
Why The Passage of the Make Elections Secure Act Would Stop Stolen Elections Forever
While the world is distracted by Ukraine drama and federal agencies that avoid accountability, one of the greatest bills ever fielded in the U.S. House is begging you to pay attention to its contents.
Captain K Appears on March 7 Edition of Dr. Steve Turley’s Wildly Popular Show
Election Denier or Truth Seeker? My In-Depth Interview on Turley Talks
Your In Depth Guide to MESA (Make Elections Secure Act)
Representative Pete Sessions has sponsored a bill in the U.S. House straight from the dreams of every election integrity patriot in America. Can it pass, and how effective would it hypothetically be?
Trump Captures ISIS-K Mastermind Behind Abbey Gate Bombing—’Swift American Justice’ After Biden’s Three Years of Failure (Video)
It’s obvious that Trump gets results, and he relishes hunting down Islamic monsters who murder Americans.
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Trump Suggests Larger Conspiracy Regarding Assassination Attempts
Trump says that next week, he will receive a report about both of his assassination attempts.
Trump Flirting with Leaving NATO!