Why I’m Backing President Trump

I was inspired by David Sacks’ piece and decided to do my own version. I encourage others to do the same. I am a Right-leaning Libertarian, and I am an avid supporter of Donald J. Trump. We don't agree on everything, but here are my Top Five reasons why I am voting for Trump in 2024.

Biden Transcript Is Inaccurate!

Justice Department Admits Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate Records Show FBI Provided Democrats with Information on Whistleblowers Judicial Watch Sues HHS for Records on Response to Covid-19 Pandemic Taliban Gets Millions in U.S. Aid by Charging Taxes, Permit Fees, Import Duties   Justice Department Admits Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate The White House […]

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Austria: Police Officer Survives Gruesome Knife Attack by Migrant, Immigration Policies Under Fire (Shocking Video)

Despite Austria's Chancellor's tough rhetoric on illegal immigration and border controls, many believe he falls short, merely managing dangerous migrants with measures like stab-proof vests and weapon-free zones, rather than taking decisive actions.

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Portugal Tightens Migration Policy Under New Right-Leaning Government

Portugal’s new center-right government, led by Prime Minister Luís Montenegro of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), has announced plans to tighten immigration rules. This move follows significant gains by the country’s conservative opposition party, Chega, in recent elections, which campaigned on massively restricting migration. On Monday, lawmakers called for repealing a policy allowing non-EU citizens to […]

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Islamized Austria: School Disallows Reading From Bible Out of Fear ‘Mohammad’ Would be Angry (Video)

Teachers’ fears are justified as Muslims have warned the Western world: insult Muhammad, Islam, their holy books, or ignore Sharia law, and they will retaliate, as evidenced by incidents like the murder of Samuel Paty, job losses, and legal battles faced by educators.

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Security Threat: Biden Administration Loses Track of 77,000 Afghans in America While Over a Million Unchecked Migrants Flood the Borders

As seen last week in open borders Germany, where an Afghan refugee deemed ‘well integrated’ stabbed Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger and killed a young German police officer, will the Biden administration act shocked when one of the unmonitored Afghans in America carries out a similar attack on non-Muslims here?

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Reparations scheme which pays $25,000 to black people sued for discrimination

From The Telegraph: The legal challenge, filed by conservative group Judicial Watch on behalf of six residents, argues that the scheme’s “race-based eligibility requirement” violates the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which concerns the rights of citizens. “This programme redistributes tax dollars based on race,” Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president, said, according to The Washington Post. […]

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What is Vivek’s Optimal Position?

I’m a huge fan of Vivek, and would love to see him as VP or one of the cabinet positions. However, I think he would be most valuable as Press Secretary. His greatest skills are talking, and ripping MSM reporters to shreds. When I think about who I want facing the media everyday, it’s Vivek, and it’s not even close. He is easily the best at articulating and relaying Trump’s message, and he is sharper than any MSM propagandist.