Clash in the Netherlands: ANTIFA Targets Feminists Advocating for Safety from Men Identifying as Women (Video)

Utrecht, Netherlands – A feminist demonstration in Utrecht took an aggressive turn on Saturday. Members of the classical feminist organization Let Women Speak were met with aggressive opposition from the far-left group ANTIFA. The feminists were gathered to discuss critical issues surrounding women’s safety and rights, including concerns about men identifying as women accessing female-only […]

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Government Outraged Over ‘Foreigners Out – Germany for the Germans’ Chant While Remaining Silent on Migrant Crimes (Video)

While the government and media react with outrage to a drunken chant of 'Foreigners out – Germany for the Germans,' by trying to destroy the young people's lives, they remain conspicuously silent on the rising tide of deadly and sexual migrant-related crimes and violence.

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New Lawsuit Against “Reparations”

Top Headlines of the Week Press Releases Judicial Watch Files Class Action Lawsuit over Reparations Judicial Watch announced recently it filed a class action lawsuit against Evanston, Illinois, on behalf of six individuals over the city’s use of race as an eligibility requirement for a reparations program which makes $25,000 payments to black residents and […]

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Düsseldorf: Unbekannter schießt Frau mit Schreckschusspistole ins Gesicht und raubt sie aus

Am Pfingstmontag wurde eine 65-jährigen Frau von einem Unbekannten angegriffen und ausgeraubt. Demnach war die Frau von der S-Bahnhaltestelle Volksgarten in Richtung Sonnenstraße zu ihrer Wohnung unterwegs. Dort angekommen wurde die Frau vom Unbekannten aufgefordert die Handtasche auszuhändigen, was sie verweigerte. Daraufhin schoss der Tatverdächtige der Frau mit einer Schreckschusspistole ins Gesicht. Anschließend schlug der [...]

Der Beitrag Düsseldorf: Unbekannter schießt Frau mit Schreckschusspistole ins Gesicht und raubt sie aus erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.

Conservative group files lawsuit over Evanston reparations program

From Chicago Tribune: The suit, filed Thursday by the group Judicial Watch, names as plaintiffs six people whose relatives once lived in Evanston during a 50-year period of housing discrimination that often deprived Black residents from building wealth through homeownership and kept them segregated to a tiny enclave on the city’s western edge. Judicial Watch […]

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