360 oder 938? Die Angaben zu getöteten Frauen in Deutschland sorgen für Verwirrung. Eine Recherche deckt auf, wo die Fehler liegen – und was bewusst verschwiegen wird. Ein Blick hinter die Statistik.
Der Beitrag Femizid-Zahlen: Die Rätsel der Statistik…
‘Religion of Women’: An Iranian Tutorial for Stoning Females According to Islamic Law
Stoning in Iran is not the result of “archaic interpretations” or “cultural misunderstandings”—it is Islamic law in action. Codified in Iran’s Islamic Penal Code and justified by Sharia, stoning stands as a grotesque example of what happens when a legal system is based on Islamic doctrines. This inhumane punishment, primarily targeting women, epitomizes the brutality […]
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Islamized Portugal Celebrates Its New Sharia-Adherent Mosque: Masjid Qasim (Video)
The Muslim community in Agualva-Cacém, a once-quiet town in Portugal’s Sintra region, has unveiled a new mosque named “Masjid Qasim.” The opening ceremony, attended by local officials, Islamic leaders from Lisbon, and residents, epitomizes a growing surrender to a foreign ideology that stands in contrast to Portugal’s democratic values. This mosque is more than just […]
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Trump’s Potential New AG: Pam Bondi
Pam Bondi knows where the bodies are buried and she will be in a position to do major damage as AG.
Open Borders Disaster: Nearly One in Three Prisoners in Spain is Foreign, Majority are Moroccan
Spain’s prison system is a damning indictment of its Socialist government’s open borders policies. Nearly one in three foreign prisoners in Spain is Moroccan, a shocking figure given that Moroccans make up just 1.9% of the population. Foreign nationals now account for 31.4% of Spain’s prison population, which is three times their share of the […]
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Judicial Watch: Homeland Security Records Confirm Extensive Government Censorship of Conservative Social Media During 2020 Election
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 274 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealing an extensive effort by government and non-government entities to monitor and censor social media posts on fraud during the 2020 election. The records were uncovered thanks to a Judicial Watch November 2022 […]
The post Judicial Watch: Homeland Security Records Confirm Extensive Government Censorship of Conservative Social Media During 2020 Election appeared first on Judicial Watch.
NATO Cannot Intercept Russia’s New Nuclear Missiles
By the looks of it, Putin whipped out a new Russian ICBM that NATO defense systems cannot intercept, but did NOT attach nuclear payloads to them.
I’ll be back tonight at 6pm pacific, 9pm eastern
Gaetz Situation Takes a Turn
Gaetz withdraws his name from consideration for AG position.
Judicial Watch: After Almost 19 Years, Defense Department Produces Records on ‘Operation Able Danger’ That Could Have Prevented 9/11 Attacks
Identifies Hundreds of Pages of Responsive Records, Claims Overwhelming Majority Remain Classified to This Day (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), after almost 19 years, the Department of Defense produced 62 pages of records out of hundreds of previously withheld documents regarding the U.S. intelligence program “Operation […]
The post Judicial Watch: After Almost 19 Years, Defense Department Produces Records on ‘Operation Able Danger’ That Could Have Prevented 9/11 Attacks appeared first on Judicial Watch.