Mandatory IRS Diversity Training Includes Material From Trans Academic Who Called For ‘Death Of Whiteness’

From Daily Wire: The diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training forced on criminal investigators with the Internal Revenue Service featured content from a transgender professor who called for the “death of whiteness” in an academic journal article. The DEI training, obtained by Judicial Watch, was part of a mandatory continuing education program at the IRS, […]

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DOJ Gives College Nearly $1 Million to Track Spread of “Mis-, Dis-, and Mal-information”

As the presidential election approaches, the Biden administration is expanding its controversial initiative to control information and censor Americans by funding a new project that tracks the spread of “mis-, dis-, and mal-information (MDM)” by internet users. A public university in South Carolina is getting nearly $1 million from the government to map the spread […]

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Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton to be Featured at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced its participation as a Supporting Sponsor of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), February 21-24, at the Gaylord National Harbor. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton is scheduled to speak at CPAC on Saturday, February 24.* Viewers can watch the broadcast live Thursday – Saturday at can […]

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MAGA’s Punching Bag

If Nikki wants to hang around and remain MAGA’s punching bag, she is more than welcome to. She is keeping Trump voters engaged during primary season, and continually proves Trump to be a far superior candidate by juxtaposition. Her very presence confirms the establishment’s desperation to keep Trump out of office. She stands zero chance of winning, and only remains in the hope that Trump gets thrown in prison or removed from the ballot.

Mandelbachtal-Habkirchen: Tankstellen-Überfall mit Schusswaffe

Im saarländischen Mandelbachtal-Habkirchen kam es am Dienstagmorgen (20. Februar 2024) zu einem Überfall auf eine Tankstelle. Unter Vorhalt einer Schusswaffe konnte der Täter Bargeld und Zigaretten erbeuten, sodass ein Schaden in Höhe von mehreren tausend Euro entstanden ist. Der Täter soll mit einem silberfarbenen Peugeot mit Saarbrücker Kreiskennzeichen geflüchtet sein. Er sprach laut Täterbeschreibung Deutsch [...]

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Homberg: Zwei Männer rauben Jugendliche aus

Am vergangenen Donnerstag wurden zwei 15- und 19-Jährige von zwei Unbekannten im Bereich des Stadtparks in Neukirchen überfallen. Demnach wurden die Jugendlichen gegen 19:10 Uhr im Park plötzlich von zwei derzeit unbekannten Tätern attackiert und ausge...