Soll das etwa das „grüne Wirtschaftswunder“ sein, das uns auf Wahlplakaten der Grünen versprochen wurde? Die Absatzzahlen führender deutscher Autohersteller sind dramatisch eingebrochen: Bei BMW sanken die weltweiten Auto-Auslieferungen im dritten Quar…
CDU-Rebellen fordern Gespräche mit der AfD – wackelt die Brandmauer?
In einem offenen Brief stellen sie die bisherige Strategie infrage, die dafür sorgt, dass immer eine rot-grüne Partei mitregiert. Gerät dieses geniale Macht-Konstrukt von Merkel jetzt ins Wanken?
Der Beitrag CDU-Rebellen fordern Gespräche mit der AfD …
Bankrotterklärung: SPD will kriminellen Migranten mit „Workshops“ begegnen!
Im Stadtviertel Kiel-Wik gehört die Normalität der Vergangenheit an. Eine etwa 30-köpfige Migrantengruppe, die in einer „Flüchtlings“-Unterkunft untergebracht ist, terrorisiert dort seit Monaten die Anwohner: Diebstähle, ständige Lärmbelästigung und Ve…
Regionalzeitung lehnt Todesanzeige für AfD-Kreisrat ab
Weil die AfD vom Verfassungsschutz als „Verdachtsfall“ gebrandmarkt wird, diskriminierte die „Frankenpost“ einen ihrer Lokalpolitiker auch noch im Grab. Allerdings kippte dann die Stimmung – gleich zweifach …
Der Beitrag Regionalzeitung lehnt Todesanz…
Randy Hillier: A Canadian Freedom Fighter’s Battle Against Tyranny (Video)
Randy Hillier has built a reputation in Canada as a staunch defender of civil liberties, known for pushing back against government overreach. Whether speaking to crowds across Ontario or standing alongside the truckers during the Freedom Convoy, Hillier has consistently urged Canadians to protect their rights. His involvement during the Ottawa protests in February 2022 […]
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Border Control 2.0: EU Digital Passports by 2030—A Blueprint for Globalist Surveillance
The European Commission is pushing for the introduction of digital passports and identity cards by 2030, presented as a measure to enhance security and streamline border control. Led by Eurocommissioner Ylva Johansson, this initiative is framed as a way to improve convenience for travelers while helping to identify criminals and terrorists. However, many critics are […]
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Slovakia Defies Global Covid Agenda: Moves to Ban mRNA Vaccines Amid Rising Dissent
Slovak government commissioner for pandemic research Peter Kotlar considers mRNA vaccines dangerous and calls for a ban. He also questions the COVID pandemic itself. In Slovakia, Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova has resigned, and Kotlar’s report on the investigation into the COVID pandemic, which he presented a week ago, may have been the decisive factor in […]
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Joe Biden was possibly ‘sick or injured’ as cops prepared to meet him at hospital days before he dropped out of ‘24 race: audio
From New York Post: Police in Las Vegas were told to prepare to meet President Biden at two local hospitals days before he ended his re-election bid, according to newly released dispatch audio, raising new questions about what the White House described as a positive COVID-19 test that forced him to cancel a campaign event. […]
The post Joe Biden was possibly ‘sick or injured’ as cops prepared to meet him at hospital days before he dropped out of ‘24 race: audio appeared first on Judicial Watch.
House expands censorship probe to YouTube block on FBI whistleblower interview with Catholic group
From Just the News: However, Judicial Watch later revealed that the FBI’s targeting of Catholics might have been more extensive than one memo. “These documents disprove the FBI’s narrative that the spy operation against Catholics and churches was limited to one field office. In fact, the operation seems to have been approved by top lawyers […]
The post House expands censorship probe to YouTube block on FBI whistleblower interview with Catholic group appeared first on Judicial Watch.
„Meldestelle REspect“, Antisemitismusbeauftragte und die Hamas
Die Einsetzung der „Meldestelle REspect“ als EU-Zensurwächter sorgt für Empörung. Recherchen decken Verbindungen zu Islamisten auf, während Antisemitismusbeauftragter Blume eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Von Collin McMahon.
Der Beitrag „Meldestelle REspec…