Extinction Level Event

If Trump wins 2024, he will halt all funding for Ukraine, negotiate an end to conflict with Putin, thus preventing WW3. The reason Biden and the Deep State cannot negotiate with Putin, is because Putin wants their heads for crimes against humanity, namely for manufacturing C19.

The Great Lie

Jimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.

A Game of Thrones

Putin is content sitting in a heavily fortified defensive position, allowing Ukraine to run into their front, waiting until Trump returns. Putin does not need to advance. Why waste lives and resources, when he can just outlast Ukraine and make a deal with Trump in a year? Trump wants to uproot Ukraine also. It’s a Deep State proxy, and Trump knows it.

Putin is Waiting for Trump to Return

Putin’s synopsis of the current state of the US is ASTONISHING! He states that the “ruling elite” are behaving like an “empire”, and he is ready to build relations when “fundamental changes” take place.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Hagen-Mitte: Südländer bedroht 64-jährigen Autofahrer mit Messer

Am Mittwochnachmittag gegen 14:15 Uhr war ein 64-jähriger Mann mit seinem Pkw in Richtung Innenstadt unterwegs. An einer Kreuzung wollte er eine andere Autofahrerin für ihr Fahrverhalten zur Rede stellen als plötzlich ein Mann, mit südosteuropäischem Aussehen und einem Messer in der Hand auf ihn zu kam und damit bedrohte. Der 64-Jährige stieg ins Auto [...]

Der Beitrag Hagen-Mitte: Südländer bedroht 64-jährigen Autofahrer mit Messer erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.