Ukraine is on it’s last leg, funding is drying up, and the public don’t support the cause anymore. Trump is going to win the election if the status quo remains.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
New Video: Q Shaman Stands Outside Doors of US Capitol and Tells Everyone to Go Home
New Video – Hidden from Public: Q Shaman Stands Outside Doors of US Capitol and Tells Everyone to Go Home – Reads Trump tweet to stay peaceful and go home…
⚠️WW3 ALERT⚠️ Ukraine Uses NATO Weapons to Strike Civilians in Belgorod
⚠️WW3 ALERT⚠️ Today, Ukraine launched a missile strike, with NATO weapons (Czech), onto civilian locations, in Belgorod city center, killing 14 civilians, 2 children, and injuring over 100. Russia have called an emergency UN Security Council meeting, and Russian officials are blaming the US for being the main culprits behind the strikes.
Citizen Journalism’s Reign Has Just Begun
Elon bought Twitter, created a sanctuary for free speech, cultivated an environment that gave rise to citizen journalism, and now “alternative media” is DOMINATING legacy media in the information space. Every Deep State play is getting called out in real time, before the MSM can even establish a narrative. By the time they attempt their spin, citizen journalists have already exposed it and disseminated it around the world.
The Deep State are DESPERATE to Justify More Funding for Ukraine
So here’s how the scam works. NATO send Ukraine longer-range British missiles that Ukraine use to strike a Russian ship at harbor in the Black Sea.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
The Deep State are Signing Their Own Death Warrant
Maine has now taken Trump off the ballot. GOOD! I hope every Blue State does it.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Because when this reaches the Supreme Court, it will nullify all these politically-charged rulings, and the Dems are further proving the DNC are weaponizing their positions to keep Trump off the ballot.
Julian Assange Is Coming To America…
And When He Does, If He Talks, He Could Destroy Washington DC
Stephan Brandner: Thüringer Innenminister weist faschistoide Züge auf
Der Thüringer Innenminister Maier, seines Zeichens Vorsitzender und Spitzenkandidat der Thüringer SPD, die in aktuellen Umfragen bei sieben Prozent steht, will die Thüringer Landesverfassung ändern, um einen AfD-Ministerpräsidenten zu verhindern. Stephan Brandner, stellvertretender Bundessprecher der Alternative für Deutschland aus Thüringen, stellt klar, dass derartige Umtriebe zeigen, wo die wahren Feinde der Demokratie sitzen. „Maier geht […]
Der Beitrag Stephan Brandner: Thüringer Innenminister weist faschistoide Züge auf erschien zuerst auf Alternative für Deutschland.
October 7th is Looking More and More Like a False Flag
General Flynn states that “there was a decision made to have a security stand down, on the 7th of October, for 7 hours”.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Why did the RDS Campaign Fail?
Alright DeSantis influencers, it’s time to give up the charade. In January, there was only an 11 point margin between Trump and RDS. That margin is now 50 points.Clandestine’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.