Scharfe Worte gegen die AfD, zarte Töne für Gysi: Die einst konservative Zeitung veröffentlicht eine Kampfschrift – mit Doppelmoral, Verdrehungen und bizarrer Applaus-Empörung. Mein Kommentar zu diesem journalistischen Offenbarungseid.
Der Beitrag Anti…
Texas Under Siege: Tablighi Jamaat — Known as Al-Qaeda’s ‘Recruitment Network’ — Establishes U.S. Headquarters in Garland (Video)
Despite being flagged for decades by U.S. and European intelligence as a recruitment gateway for Al-Qaeda and other jihadist networks, Tablighi Jamaat — now headquartered in Garland, Texas — was allowed to embed itself on American soil with no federal designation, no public scrutiny, and no state-level resistance, exposing a catastrophic collapse of national and state-level homeland security.
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President Trump Takes First Executive Actions on Election Integrity (Mar. 25, 2025)
“There are other steps that we will be taking in the coming weeks and we think we’ll be able to end up getting fair elections.”
China was the Patsy for C19
The CIA not only partake in biological warfare, but they preemptively generate plans to ensure that it “would appear to be of natural origin”, to obscure their involvement.
Haben wir wirklich aus der Geschichte gelernt?
Die Deutschen glauben, sie hätten den Nationalsozialismus verstanden. Doch die wahre Gefahr liegt nicht in alten Parolen, sondern in der menschlichen Natur. Warum sich Geschichte jederzeit wiederholen kann – nur mit anderen Vorzeichen.
Der Beitrag Habe…
Biden’s Perjury
Biden’s Written Answers to Special Counsel Hur
Three Possible Causes for the The Altantic’s Goldberg Gaining Access to “War Plans”
“War plans” is a reach – but how the hell did this happen? I give you three reasons why, based on careful analysis of what was said and the people within the chat, this is likely to have occurred.
War and National Defense-Emergency State
It’s time to step from the precipice.
Was 2020 a CIA Regime-Change Operation?
The more I read the JFK files, the more I’m convinced that 2020 was an organized regime-change operation, by the CIA and their subsidiaries.
Warum die Medien unser Dopamin manipulieren – und wir es kaum merken
Medien berichten nicht nur – sie triggern unser Belohnungssystem. Reiz, Empörung, Bestätigung: Die moderne Berichterstattung setzt gezielt auf Mechanismen, die unser Dopamin anfeuern. Warum wir alle darauf hereinfallen und welche Strategien wirklich he…