Breaking: The Left Tried to Kill Trump, Now Islamic Terrorists From Iran Join the Attack

The Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel about an Iranian plot to assassinate former President Donald Trump. This development comes as no surprise, considering the ongoing threats from Iran since the killing of General Qassem Soleimani in January 2020. In April 2022, Iran’s Quds Force commander, Brigadier General Esmail Qaani, declared that revenge […]

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Police Chief Investigated for Fraud Out as Air Marshal Deputy Director Weeks after TSA Appointment

After just a few weeks the Biden administration’s egregious choice to serve as Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) deputy director has stepped down, thanks in part to Judicial Watch’s reporting. Americans can also thank the highly trained aviation security specialists who brought it to our attention and the Air Marshal National Council, the union that […]

The post Police Chief Investigated for Fraud Out as Air Marshal Deputy Director Weeks after TSA Appointment appeared first on Judicial Watch.

Leaked Trump/RFK Jr. Call Shows Path to Unity!

HUGE! Leaked call between Trump and RFK Jr.’s discussion yesterday! Trump was reaching out to Kennedy looking for an endorsement. Trump is heard here discussing the dangers of vaccinating babies, and how “something is wrong with that whole system”. Trump is seeking help from RFK Jr. in the upcoming administration. Trump reiterates that he is going to win, and tells RFK Jr. it would be good for him and his mission to drop out, endorse Trump, and have a seat at the table.

Alice Weidel/Tino Chrupalla: Das Verbot des Compact-Magazins ist ein schwerer Schlag gegen die Pressefreiheit

Berlin, 16. Juli 2024. Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser hat das Compact-Magazin sowie die Conspect Film GmbH verboten. AfD-Bundessprecher Tino Chrupalla und Dr. Alice Weidel äußern sich wie folgt dazu: „Das Verbot des Compact-Magazins ist ein schwerer Schlag gegen die Pressefreiheit. Wir beobachten diese Vorgänge mit großer Sorge. Ein Presseorgan zu verbieten, bedeutet eine Verweigerung von Diskurs [...]

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