Biden Witnessed His Dog Attack Multiple Secret Service Members: Document

From The Daily Wire: President Joe Biden witnessed multiple attacks against U.S. Secret Service (USSS) members by his dog Commander while in office, according to a newly revealed document. According to files released to Judicial Watch by way of litigation through the Freedom of Information Act, members of the Secret Service wished each other a […]

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Pentagon sued over deletion of ‘Duty, Honor, Country’

From Washington Examiner: In its effort to blast “woke” military policies, a Washington-based legal watchdog this week sued the Pentagon for documents detailing the hows and whys of the U.S. Military Academy’s decision to delete its famous motto “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement. Judicial Watch told Secrets that the move came after West […]

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Former AG Mukasey knocks Merrick Garland’s withholding of Biden audio files: ‘Entirely unconvincing’

From The New York Post: Former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey has knocked current AG Merrick Garland for making a “flawed privilege assertion” to withhold audio recordings from Congress of President Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur. Mukasey, who served as the country’s chief law enforcement official under former President George W. Bush from […]

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DHS Lets Criminals, Suspected Terrorists, Nefarious Actors into U.S., Agency Watchdog Affirms

The massive federal agency created after 9/11 to “safeguard the American people” risks national security by allowing criminals, suspected terrorists and other nefarious actors into the United States and letting asylum seekers with derogatory information remain in the country. More than two decades after the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, this may seem unbelievable […]

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FOIA Under Attack by Biden DOJ!

Top Headlines of the Week Press Releases Judicial Watch Asks Federal Court to Order Release of the Audio of President Biden’s Interview with Special Counsel Hur Judicial Watch announced it requested a federal court to reject the Biden Justice Department’s request to rewrite the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and that it order the release […]

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Bad Oeynhausen: Polizei sucht Migrantenbande nach lebensgefährlicher Attacke auf zwei Männer

In der Nacht zu Sonntag wurden zwei Männer von einer 10-köpfigen Migrantengruppen angegriffen und schwer verletzt. Demnach gab es im Kurpark zwischen der 10-köpfigen Gruppe und den 19- und 20-Jährigen streit. Im weiteren Verlauf haben die Migranten wahr los auf die beiden Opfer eingeschlagen und eingetreten. Das 20-jährige Opfer liegt mit multipler schwerster Kopfverletzungen in [...]

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Magdeburg: Jugendliche attackieren Männer mit Messer

Am vergangenen Sonntagmorgen wurden zwei Männer vor dem Allee-Center in Magdeburg von Jugendlichen angegriffen. Demnach stritten die vier Personen bereits in der Bahn, bis es vorm Allee-Center eskalierte. Die beiden Jugendlichen attackierten die Männer (30 und 43 Jahre) mit einem Messer und einer Glasflaschen. Anschließend flüchteten die Täter in unbekannte Richtung. Die Polizei sucht nun [...]

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