Judicial Watch Statement on the Trump Verdict

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the unprecedented prosecution of President Donald Trump by Democrats in New York: Pure corruption. Judicial Watch denounces this absurd verdict and Soviet-style criminal proceeding that has so abused President Trump. What just happened to Trump up in New York is criminal. The […]

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Judicial Watch: Defense Dept. Records Show U.S. Air Force Hosted ‘Drag Story Time’ and Other ‘Drag’ Events

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 25 pages of records regarding drag shows, drag story hours and other pride events for military personnel and their dependent minors organized and paid for by the U.S. Air Force. The documents were obtained through a May 5, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted to […]

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Bremen-Neustadt: Drei Schwimmbad-Mitarbeiter nach Prügel-Attacke im Krankenhaus

In Bremen-Neustadt kam es am Mittwoch (29. Mai 2024) zu körperlichen Angriffen auf Mitarbeiter eines Schwimmbads. Einer der Täter schlug einem 31-Jährigen in den Nacken; mehrere Personen prügelten mit Fäusten auf das Personal ein. Drei Mitarbeiter mussten daraufhin nach einer Erstbehandlung durch Rettungskräfte in eine Klinik gebracht werden. Die vier bis sechs Täter sollen zwischen [...]

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Hamburg-Bergedorf: Raubüberfall mit Messer

In Hamburg-Bergedorf wurde am Mittwoch (29. Mai 2024) ein Geschäft überfallen. Einer der beiden Täter hielt für den Angestellten erkennbar ein Messer in der Hand. Beide Täter sollen ein „südländisches“ Erscheinungsbild gehabt haben. Derzeit werden beid...

Evanston’s reparations program violates equal protection in U.S. Constitution, lawsuit contends

From Chicago Sun-Times: A conservative group has filed a class-action lawsuit against the city of Evanston arguing that the north suburb’s reparations program meant to repay historical wrongs against Black residents violates the U.S. Constitution. The nonprofit organization Judicial Watch filed the federal lawsuit last week on behalf of six residents who are not Black […]

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Second Jewish School Hit With Gunfire: Alarming Rise of Violent Antisemitic Attacks in Canada Since October 7

In the wake of the October 7 Islamic attack on Israel, Canada has become increasingly dangerous for its Jewish population, with incidents ranging from gunfire at schools to genocidal calls against Jews, all amid a troubling lack of government action.

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‘Jew Die’ Graffiti on Australian Jewish School Sparks Outrage

MELBOURNE, Australia – This past weekend, the words ‘Jew Die’ were graffitied on the outer wall of Mount Scopus Memorial College, a prominent Jewish school. The vandalism, discovered between Friday night and Saturday noon, has prompted a strong response from local politicians, Jewish organizations, and the broader community. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AUSTRALIA? This message […]

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Trump Calls for Mass Deportations of Illegal Migrants: ‘We Have No Choice, It’s an Invasion’ (Video)

If Donald Trump is re-elected as American president this fall, he will have a clear mission: the mass deportation of criminal asylum seekers. According to Trump, the open borders policy causes a massive influx of criminals, leading to higher crime rates in the United States. This is why he wants to put an end to […]

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